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Published January 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Noblesville, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County, Indiana, during its regularly scheduled meeting in the Commissioners' Courtroom will receive sealed bids for items as listed below. All quantities are estimated based on the projected usage, and the purchased amount will be more or less depending on the actual need. Unless otherwise stated, all bid prices will be considered firm prices and awards shall be valid March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2024. Bids will be received in the following categories: 1. Aggregates 2. Bituminous Mixtures 3. Liquid Asphalts 4. Drainage Pipe 5. Timber Bridge Components 6. Gasoline / Fuel & Lubricants 7. N/A 8. Pavement Traffic Markings 9. Fertilization & Weed Control ,9a 10. Tree / Stump Removal 11. Traffic Signal Maintenance 12. Mowing All materials and supplies, unless otherwise specified shall be in compliance with the appropriate section(s) of the latest version of the INDOT Standard Specifications or Hamilton County Specifications 2002 on file in the Auditor's Office. Specifications on file in the Auditor's Office supersede State Highway Specifications. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept more than one bidder or reject any and/or all bids, or any part thereof. The Board of County Commissioners also reserves the right to accept bids on a line-item basis. Hamilton County reserves the right to award on the basis of geographical location or on the basis of past performances. In compliance with IC 5-22-17-4, upon request of the vendor and approval of the Board of Commissioners, awards may be extended for a year beginning March 1, 2024. Sealed bids shall be submitted on prescribed forms (HC Form 06/03), which are obtainable from said Auditor. CATEGORY NAME AND ITEM NUMBER SHOULD BE CLEARLY INDICATED ON OUTSIDE ENVELOPE CONTAINING BID. Separate categories shall be bid in separate envelopes. When specifically required in the specifications a bid is to be accompanied by a BIDDERS BOND, OR BY A CERTIFIED CHECK in the sum equal to the amount specified, made payable to Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, conditioned that such bidder will, if successful, be required to furnish a performance bond or suppliers bond in the same amount and enter into a contract agreeing to furnish such materials and supplies, in the event that they are ordered at any time during the specified time period ending February 28, 2024. Bidders for Categories 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 shall complete and return the Employment Eligibility Verification Form. Bidders shall affix identifying bid tabs to the following items of each proposal: A) Bid form 06/03 B) Non-Collusion Affidavit C) Bid Bond or certified check (if required) D) Bid Proposal, with Summary sheets if applicable E) Employment Eligibility Verification Form (for Categories 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12) F) Receipt of Addendum(s), if applicable. Bonds or checks are required for each of the following categories: Category 1a. Stone Aggregates $5,000.00 Category 2. Bituminous Mixtures $15,000.00 Category 3. Liquid Asphalts $25,000.00 Category 5. Treated Timber Structures $5,000.00 Category 8. Pavement Traffic Markings $10,000.00 Bradley Davis Director -Hamilton County Highway


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Noblesville, IN

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