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Published January 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Prince George, British Columbia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Sealed tenders for Spring Tree Planting and Vegetation Management for Small Scale Salvage Program in Various Locations Throughout the Prince George Natural Resource District Spring tree planting of 11 openings harvested over 5 Units (Government Lake, Punchaw Lake, Cottonwood, Reid Lake, Fyfe Lake) within the Prince George Natural Resource District. There were 6 licenses issued under the Small Scale Salvage program: A94666, 3 blocks; A95875, 2 blocks; A96168,1 block; A98021, 1 block; A97773, 3 blocks; Overflow, 1 block. The total area to be planted is approximately 23.4 hectares, and within each license, varying degrees of retention and natural regeneration exist. Most blocks require planting to densities of 1600 stems per hectare, totalling approximately 34504 seedlings. Planting will normally not start before the first week of May and must be completed by June 21, 2023. The blocks under A96168, A97773 and overflow were harvested using a partial (selective) cut method, with healthy and windfirm trees retained on-site. These block areas range from 1.5 to 6.7 ha (overflow not included), and will require planter awareness around mature, standing timber. The other licenses (A94666, A95875 and A98021) were clearcut harvested and range from 1.9 to 2.5 ha in size. The year of harvest for each license ranges from 2 to 5 years. The planting stock is typically PSB/PSI 410, 412B (1 +0) and there will be one request key per species, between two and four different tree species (Pli, Sx, Fdi, Lw), depending on the license. BROADCAST MANUAL BRUSHING: For openings requiring broadcast manual brushing as a treatment, the objective is site preparation for planting or for the release of conifers. In the case of site preparation, brushing may occur concurrently with the planting treatment or may occur in the year prior to a planting treatment. In the case that the site preparation occurs concurrently with planting, the brushing must be completed before planting is scheduled to commence. In the case that site preparation occurs in the year prior to planting, or in the case of brushing for conifer release, the brushing must be completed by October 31, 2023. The nature of this tree planting and manual brushing contract is not the industry standard, given the openings are small and in various locations throughout the Prince George Natural Resource District. As such, a high level of logistical coordination by the successful bidder will be required. The bidder needs to carefully evaluate resources needed to successfully complete this work before preparing their bids. The openings are geographically organized into 5 Units (Government Lake, Punchaw Lake, Cottonwood, Reid Lake, Fyfe Lake) to facilitate organizational logistics, payment, and surveys. A KMZ file has been attached with this tender package. See attached documents For further information, please contact Nichola Gilbert at Nichola.GIlbert@gov.bc.ca 250-645-9559


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Multiple Locations, Prince George, BC

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