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Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Boise, Idaho. Design plans call for the addition of a 2,200-square-foot, one-story above grade medical facility; for the demolition of a medical facility; for the renovation of a 11,900-square-foot medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

As of October 6, 2023, an architect has been selected for the project. A firm timeline for construction has not been established. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The purpose of this mod to previous pre-sol is to provide responses to the technical questions received and to update two sections of the Request for SF 330s. 1) Responses to technical questions are provided in the attached document. 2) The information provided in section 2 of the pre-solicitation notice has been revised to reflect the updated Small Business Administration size standards effective December 19, 2022. See below (the updated portion is highlighted). 2. PROJECT INFORMATION This project is a 100% set-aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) concerns. The NAICS code for this procurement is 541310 Architectural Services and the annual small business size standard is $12.5M. Please note, the VA has thoroughly reviewed this NAICS code and had determined that it is the correct NAICS for the work being performed. A full design team is required to complete this project. The projected award date for the anticipated A-E contract is on or before mid-May 2023. The anticipated period of performance for completion of design is 266 calendar days after notice of award. The VAAR Magnitude of Construction for this project is between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000. 3) The information provided in section 7 of the pre-solicitation notice has been revised to reflect the updated procedures for SDVOSB verification effective January 1, 2023. See below (the updated portions are highlighted). 7. SUBMISSION CRITERIA/REQUIREMENTS The below information contains the instructions and format that shall be followed for the submission of the SF 330 Statement of Qualifications: Submit ONE (1) SF 330 Statement of Qualifications to Kara A. Evert at This shall include Parts I and II and any applicable attachments. The submission must include the SF 330, Architect-Engineer Qualifications (form is available online at The SF 330 submission is due by 1:00 PM ET on February 6, 2023. The SF 330 shall be submitted in one email and have a file size no larger than 5 MB. No hard copies will be accepted. The subject line of the email shall read: SF 330 Submission - 36C77623R0014 Boise Minor Design Project. The SF 330 submission shall not exceed a total of FIFTY (50) pages. This includes CPARS and/or PPQs and any other relevant information. Any pages submitted by an offeror that exceed the limit will not be considered during the evaluation. Each page shall be in Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 font, single spaced. The title page, table of contents, and Part II of the SF 330 will NOT count toward the page limitation. A PPQ from previous projects may be submitted for this project. If significant portions of a project have been completed since the previous PPQ was filled out, a new PPQ should be submitted to accurately assess the project. *Note: All PPQs should be completed by the evaluator and returned to the A-E firm. The submitting A-E firm must incorporate completed PPQs into the SF 330 document. PPQs should not be submitted by the evaluator directly to VHA PCAC. In addition to the SF 330 submissions, firms must provide a second accompanying document that includes the following information (the accompanying document will not count toward the page limitation of the SF 330): Cage Code SAM Unique Entity Identifier Tax ID Number The email address and phone number of the Primary Point of Contact A copy of the firm s Vet Biz Registry All questions shall be submitted to with the subject line Boise Minor Design Question. The cutoff for question submission is 1:00 PM ET on January 23, 2023. Questions will be answered through modification to the Pre-Sol Notice posted to Contract Opportunities at This procurement is a 100% set-aside for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) concerns. Offers received from other than SDVOSBs will not be considered. Offerors must be verified as SDVOSBs by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and visible in the Veteran Small Business Certification (VetCert) database ( at the time of SF 330 submission, written response submission, and award. Failure to be BOTH visible and verified at these times will result in the offeror being deemed unacceptable and ineligible for award. NOTE: As of January 1, 2023, all SDVOSBs that were previously verified by VA's Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE) are automatically granted certification by the SBA for the remainder of the firm s eligibility period. The SBA intends to grant a one-time, one-year extension of certification to current SDVOSBs verified by the VA as of the transfer date on January 1, 2023. This additional year will be added to the existing eligibility period of a current participant. New applicants certified by SBA after January 1, 2023, will receive the standard three-year certification period. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA 2021) grants a one-year grace period for self-certified SDVOSBs until January 1, 2024.A During the grace period, self-certified businesses have one year to file an application for SDVOSB certification and may continue to rely on their self-certification to compete for non-VA SDVOSB set-aside contracts. Self-certified SDVOSBs that apply before January 1, 2024, will maintain their eligibility through the expiration of the grace period until SBA issues a final eligibility decision. All joint ventures must be SBA verified at the time of SF 330 submission, written response submission, and award and must submit agreements that comply with 13 CFR 128.402(c) prior to contract award. All prime firms must meet the NAICS code requirement specified in this notice. The Contracting Officer shall verify the NAICS code in VetCert. Failure to meet the NAICS code requirement may result in the rejection of the SF 330 submission. SF 330 submissions received after the date and time specified will not be considered. Late proposal rules per FAR 15.208 will be followed for late submittals. Firms not providing the required information may not be evaluated. All information must be included in the SF 330 submission package. It is the offeror s responsibility to check the Contract Opportunities website at for any revisions to this announcement prior to submitting their SF 330. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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April 1, 2024


500 W Fort St, Boise, ID

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