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Published February 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Metropolitan Park District of Tacoma anticipates a continuous need for the following types of A&E services and solicits Statements of Interest and Qualifications from firms whose practice includes any of the following disciplines: Accessibility Inspection/Review (ADA) Arborist, Certified Architecture: Building Architecture: Landscape Architecture: Structural Asbestos/Lead Assessment & Abatement Commissioning Services Construction Inspection/Material Testing Construction/Project Management Cultural Resources/Archeology Engineering: Acoustical Engineering: Civil Engineering: Electric Engineering: Geotechnical/Soils Engineering: Irrigation/Drainage/Stormwater Engineering: Marine Engineering: Water Quality Engineering: Mechanical Engineering: Structural Engineering: Transportation/Utilities Engineering: Environmental Fire Protection Hazardous Waste Management Industrial Engineers Land Use/Urban Planning Real Estate/Title/Appraisal Safety/OSHA Management Engineering: Mechanical Signage/Graphics Surveying - GIS Mapping Wetland Ecologist Wetland Monitoring Other Per State Law RCW 39.80 Metro Parks Tacoma is required to hire the most qualified firm for A&E Services. Statements of Interest and Qualifications that are received will be placed on a roster and used by Metro Parks Tacoma for the selection of firms for specific projects as the need arises. Contracts entered into as a result of this solicitation may include specific planning projects, design services contracts, design services for specific stages of projects, or general open-order contracts for services for more than one project or a combination of projects. Nearly all project assignments will be located in the Pierce County, Washington area. Projected requirements for the year 2023 may include, but are not limited to: new development and renovation of park facilities and buildings, playgrounds, spray grounds, skateparks, sports fields, athletic facilities, accessibility improvements, utility upgrades, demolition, land acquisition, historical restorations, trails, wetland and natural area management and master planning.Metro Parks Tacoma is committed to strengthening opportunities and removing barriers for Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE). Per Board Resolution R32-20, Metro Parks Tacoma is committed to hire people throughout our organization who reflect our community. We work closely with local partners who have successful programs: Tacoma Public Schools, Minority Business Development Agency, City of Tacoma office of Economic and Business Development. Metro Parks Tacoma encourages MWBE firms to submit their qualifications and be added to the A&E Roster. There is no guarantee of work for consultant firms placed on the roster, and consultants selected from the roster must comply with all Metro Parks contracting requirements. Detailed scope of work, price and other specific contract provisions will be negotiated with selected consultants. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. Per the owner, as of February 10, 2023 they have asked that interested firms submit all required documentation by February 24, 2023 to be included in the roster, but submittals are accepted throughout the year.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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