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Published February 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fitchburg, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Request Category Code: 906-57 Land Devel/Planning Arch, Planning/Land Use, 925-61 Land Devel/Planning/Engineer Description: This request for proposals (RFP) is issued by the City of Fitchburg for the purpose of securing a qualified planning or design firm to develop a neighborhood plan for the approximately 975-acre Greenfield Neighborhood. The plan development will include research and site analysis related to economic development positioning, residential capabilities, and market considerations. The plan development process will include landowner and stakeholder interviews, intergovernmental coordination, and public involvement. The plan will be considered for adoption as part of Appendix A of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Located in the east-central portion of the City of Fitchburg, this neighborhood is located south of the existing urban service area. The purpose of this plan is to create a neighborhood plan and development strategy to meet City of Fitchburg land use needs and position the City to submit applications for USA amendments to CARPC and the Wisconsin DNR to accommodate growth. The goals of the neighborhood plans are to develop balanced neighborhoods that will integrate compatible land uses, provide economic opportunities, and increase the municipal tax base, while balancing transportation and service needs, minimizing environmental impacts, and recognizing the variety of concerns and issues that may arise from the planning process. This plan is necessary to evaluate the expansion of the central urban service area (CUSA). The Plan is to be used to determine which areas of the Greenfield Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) are suitable for urban expansion. The City of Fitchburg is working closely with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) on a pilot process to better integrate neighborhood planning and the Urban Service Area amendments. As such, this plan is expected to also be used as the application(s) for urban service area amendments to CARPC. The goal of this project is to create a neighborhood plan that will guide future development. As such the plan should be thorough enough in the background data, evaluation, analysis, and recommendations that if a developer proposes a project that reflects the plan, it should be able to be approved and built with minimal changes.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 28, 2024


Multiple Locations, Fitchburg, WI

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