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Published April 4, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a municipal facility in Cohasset, Massachusetts. Working plans call for the addition of a municipal facility; for the demolition of a municipal facility; for the renovation of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Cohasset Town Hall Renovation and Addition **Trade Contractor Prequalification Only** Masonry, Misc. Iron, WDC, Roof &Flashing, Glass & Glazing, Tile, ACT, Resilient Floors, Painting, Elevator, Fire Protect, Plumb, HVAC, Elect Only prequalified Trade Contractor firms will be permitted to submit bids for the category of work in which they were prequalified. The Owner's Project Manager is The Vertex Companies, the Project Designer is Johnson Roberts, and the CM at Risk is Commodore Builders. The project is a new 79,039 GSF Elementary School on an existing school campus. The project will include a two-story structure. This 18-section school has a design enrollment of 365 students. The first floor contains public space including includes gymnasium, warming kitchen, and cafetorium, a STEM lab, library as well as the administration area and three neighborhood classroom clusters. The upper floor contains additional three neighborhood classroom clusters, music, and art. The new school is targeting NetZero ready construction including an allelectric Mechanical system. Phasing and logistics are an important consideration for this project as the new building will be constructed while the existing school is fully operational. All questions regarding this RFQ should be submitted to Vertex by noon local time on February 6, 2023. Questions should be submitted by email to Laureen Westmann at procurement@vertexeng.com. Estimated Total Overall Project Construction Cost: $14,000,000 The combined participation goal for Minority and Women businesses is 13%. Suggested participation could be separated into the following. The project Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation goal is 7.0%. The project Women Business Enterprise (WBE) participation goal is 6.0%. The Workforce Participation Goals are currently set at 6.9% for women and 15.3% for minorities Commodore Builders has been selected as the Construction Manager at Risk for the Cohasset Town Hall Renovation and Addition Project. The work will include the following scope: The Cohasset Town Hall, in Cohasset, MA (the project) consists of the construction of a new two-story, steel and wood framed building, with a full basement, concrete foundations walls and footings, connections to and extensions of utilities in the street, new paved parking lot and connections to adjacent drives, and associated sitework. The building will be clad with wood cementitious lap siding and include aluminum clad wood windows, and asphalt shingle roofing. Site work includes but is not necessarily limited to; hazardous materials abatement from, and demolition of an existing 2 story wood and steel framed addition and basement, trees and brush clearing, (limited) work on abutting properties to tie in drives, excavation, grading, drainage, sub-surface storm water infiltration system, and underground utility systems, demolition of the parking lots and paving, new bituminous concrete roadways and parking areas, bituminous concrete and granite curbing, landscaping and site improvements, and work throughout the site. The building includes but is not necessarily limited to; new steel and wood framed, twostory addition, and basement, shingle roofing, aluminum clad windows, wood and hollow metal doors, gypsum drywall and both metal stud and wood studd partitions, carpet and vinyl composition tile floors, various millwork, cabinetry and trim, partial restoration of the existing historic structures to remain, new mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, electrical and lighting systems, data and communications wiring systems throughout. Systems include: VRF mechanical system, electrical, plumbing, technology, and fire protection. The Project includes everything within the boundaries of the contract limit line (as shown on the Drawings). The Project also contains connections of utilities to existing utility systems and work within existing public ways which may lie outside the boundaries of the contract limit line.

Final Planning



Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Cohasset, MA

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