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Published March 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and theater / auditorium.

For internal State agency processing, including tabulation of proposals, provide your company's eVP (Electronic Vendor Portal) Number. Pursuant to G.S. 132-1.10(b) this identification number shall not be released to the public. This page will be removed and shredded, or otherwise kept confidential, before the procurement file is made available for public inspection. This page shall be filled out and returned with your proposal. Failure to do so may subject your proposal to rejection. College of The Albemarle is seeking bid proposals to provide all materials and labor to install a new lighting system in our Performing Arts Center. The proposal also needs to include labor and any needed materials to remove old equipment that will not be used with the new system. This will include old dimming racks, lights, and controls that will be disconnected and abandoned. The bill of materials, listed in section 5.0, is being provided as a guide to what we are wanting. If your company has a suitable substitute that maintains the same specifications and quality, please send an email providing the specifications sheet for approval to substitute. This is an informal bid process and companies are not required to attend a pre-bid meeting. If a company would like to visit and its recommended, please use the contact information and set a meeting with the Performing Arts Center staff. Alternatively, there is a site visit scheduled for February 9, 2023 as well. The timeline provided in section 2.4 is very critical and must be followed. If your proposal is received late it will not be considered. The intent of this solicitation is to award an agency contract. North Carolina G.S. 143-52 provides a general list of criteria the State shall use to award contracts, as supplemented by the additional criteria herein. The Goods or Services being procured shall dictate the application and order of criteria; however, all award decisions shall be in the State's best interest. All qualified proposals will be evaluated, and awards will be made to the Vendor(s) meeting the specific RFP Specifications and achieving the highest and best final evaluation, based on the criteria described below. While the intent of this RFP is to award a Contract(s) to a single Vendor, the State reserves the right to make separate awards to different Vendors for one or more line items, to not award one or more line items or to cancel this RFP in its entirety without awarding a Contract, if it is considered to be most advantageous to the State to do so. The State reserves the right to waive any minor informality or technicality in proposals received. Submit Written Questions Vendor February 13, 2023 by 12:00PM. College of The Albemarle is seeking bid proposals to provide all materials and labor to install a new lighting system in our Performing Arts Center. The proposal also needs to include labor and any needed materials ot remove old equipment that will not be used with the new system. This will include old dimming racks, lights, and controls that will be disconnected and abandoned. The following bill of materials is being provided as a guide to what we are wanting. If your company has a suitable substitute that maintains the same specifications and quality, please send an email providing the specifications sheet for approval to substitute. Performance of the work and/or delivery of Goods shall be conducted and completed at least in accordance with the Contract requirements and recognized and customarily accepted industry practices. Performance shall be considered complete when the Services or Goods are approved as acceptable by the Contract Administrator. The State shall have the obligation to notify Vendor, in writing ten (10) calendar days following completion of such work or delivery of a deliverable described in the Contract that it is not acceptable. The notice shall specify in reasonable detail the reason(s) it is unacceptable. Acceptance by the State shall not be unreasonably withheld; but may be conditioned or delayed as required for reasonable review, evaluation, installation, or testing, as applicable to the work or deliverable. Final acceptance is expressly conditioned upon completion of all applicable assessment procedures. Should the work or deliverables fail to meet any specifications, acceptance criteria or otherwise fail to conform to the Contract, the State may exercise any and all rights hereunder, including, for Goods deliverables, such rights provided by the Uniform Commercial Code, as adopted in North Carolina.

Bid Results

Theaters / Auditoriums


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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5 Record(s)

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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Execution and Closeout Requirements, Execution
Division 26 - Electrical

Division 26 - Electrical

Lighting, Interior Lighting

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February 23, 2023

March 27, 2023


1208 N Road St, Elizabeth City, NC

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Lighting System (Performing Arts Center)

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