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Saving Project...

Published April 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Morrisville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

Pursuant to General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, and subject to the Project General Provisions (Attachment 1, dated January 13, 2023, 8 pages), herein, bidders are requested to submit quotations for the work. All bids shall be submitted via one of the following means: o In a sealed envelope marked to the attention of Karen Bass, Purchasing & Contracts Manager, RE: Wolfsnare Lane Culvert Improvement Project Quotation; or All bids shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the following requirements. Failure to comply with any requirement shall cause the bid to be considered irregular and shall be grounds for rejection of the bid. 1. The bid form furnished by TOWN OF MORRISVILLE with the proposal shall be used and shall not be altered in any manner. 2. The Bidder shall submit a unit price for every item on the bid form. The unit prices for the various contract items shall be written in figures. ***Unit prices must be limited to TWO decimal places. *** 3. The bid shall be properly executed. All bids shall show the following information: a. Name of individual, firm, corporation, partnership, or joint venture submitting bid. b. Name of individual or representative submitting bid and position or title. 4. The bid shall not contain any unauthorized additions, deletions, or conditional bids. 5. The bidder shall not add any provision reserving the right to accept or rejectan award, or to enter into a contract pursuant to an award. For any questions related to the invitation, please contact Karen Bass, Town of Morrisville, 100 Town Hall Drive, telephone number 919-463-6123, kbass@townofmorrisville.orgo Via email to Karen Bass, Purchasing & Contracts Manager to kbass@townofmorrisville.org with the subject line: Wolfsnare Lane Culvert Improvement Project Quotation Bids will be received by the Town of Morrisville at 100 Town Hall Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560, until the date and time stated above. The Bid Opening will be held privately in the Town Hall Council Chambers and will immediately take place after the submission deadline expires. A bid tab will be made available after the contract is awarded. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all submittals. This submittal request is neither a contractual offer nor a commitment to purchase services. The Town assumes no contractual obligation as a result of the issuance of this request, the preparation or submission of a bid by a Respondent, the evaluation of statements, or final selection. The Town of Morrisville requests lump sum bids from qualified contractors to construct the project in accordance with Attachments 1 through 7. The project is located immediately off Crabtree Crossing Parkway and the southside of Wolfsnare Lane, located on private property owned by Morrisville Associates LLC. The scope of this project is to remove an existing 24" RCP culvert and install a 2.5' x 10' concrete box culvert. Work will require, but is not limited to, grading, paving, utility relocation, and storm drain system construction.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Wolfsnare Ln, Morrisville, NC

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