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Published February 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Baltimore, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This is a Sources Sought Notice; it is not a Request for Quote or Proposal. Loch Raven VAMC is seeking sources to provide services at LOCH RAVEN VAMC BUILDING #1 VARIABLE AIR VOULUME (VAV) BOX CLEANING. The anticipated date of a solicitation is February 10, 2023, with an expected period of performance Starting March 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023, using NAICS CODE 238220, Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors size $16.5 Million. Vendors will not receive formal notification or feedback on any information submitted in this Sources Sought Notice. All future proposed submissions and solicitations requirements solicited on a Government Point of Entry (GPE) will be evaluated independently of any information submitted in response to this Sources Sought Notice. No vendor will be provided information on solicitations issued on a Government Point of Entry based on this Sources Sought Notice. Potential Sources shall provide their Capability Statement and it must be clear, concise, and complete. Interested contractors should respond to this notice via email to John.Ritter2@va.gov using the subject "LOCH RAVEN VAMC BUILDING #1 VARIABLE AIR VOULUME (VAV) BOX CLEANING" by Monday, February 6, 2023, 9:00 am EST, and provide: o SAM UEID/DUNS number. o VIP verification standing, if any. o GSA contract number, if applicable. o Please limit response to 5 pages There is no other information available at this time. Responses to this notice may be used in determining an appropriate set-aside. Requirements Below: SCOPE OF WORK (SOW): LOCH RAVEN VAMC BUILDING #1 VARIABLE AIR VOULUME (VAV) BOX CLEANING General: The Loch Raven VA Medical Center requests cleaning of 131 VAV boxes in building #1 CLC located at 3900 Loch Raven Blvd. Baltimore, Md. About the site: The Loch Raven VA Community Living & Rehabilitation Center specializes in providing rehabilitation and recreation therapy for our recovering veterans. The main building also provides hospice, nursing home care and care for patients with Alzheimer's. Period of Performance: The period of performance for this contract to begin on March 1, 2023, and terminate on May 31, 2023, provided materials can be purchased without long lead times. Scope of Work: Contractor to supply all labor, supervision, equipment, tools, and materials necessary to perform cleaning of all VAV boxes in building #1 CLC connected to the HVAC system. Contractor will effectively open, remove or make access panels to clean 131 VAV boxes located in building #1. Access panels made will need to be resealed if necessary to prevent potential air loss. Contractor will use HEPA vacuum to remove all dust and debris inside of the VAV box, heating coil or adjoining ductwork (Duck work surface area 12 inches from inlet and outlet). Contractor will adhere to the ICRA standard for each area per VA guidelines and infection control standards for a job of this type. Each room/floor/section must be coordinated through the engineering department and nurse manager. Dust control is paramount and areas will thoroughly visually inspected after work performed. Contain debris with dust barriers where needed. Coordination, schedules and phasing should be sent in writing electronically before beginning work in area. Maintenance actions found during repair will be reported to the maintenance supervisor for assessment. This will include damaged coils, fins, piping or ductwork. Contractor will notify supervisor if repairs will effect scheduled completion. Cleaning for each section should be as follows: o Blow compressed air through fin pack and heating coils to loosen debris. o High pressure water treatment with limited chemical composition. Chemicals used should be a neutralizer without a smell component such as bleach or citrus. o Wash all (non-electrical) accessible internal components including walls, cover, visible coils, and fan compartment. o Wipe down/dry the interior of the unit and housings to prevent drippage, stains or leakage. o Replace any damage insulation that was a result of cleaning (Fiberglass or Armaflex) Work to be performed during normal business hours on the first and second floors. The basement floor of building #1 will be conducted after 7pm - 5am each day. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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March 1, 2023


3900 Loch Raven Blvd, Baltimore, MD

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RFQ - LOCH Raven VAMC Building #1 Variable Air Voulume (VAV) Box Cleaning

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