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Site work, paving and renovation of a civil project in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

This project consists of the following elements of work: A. Pump Station 56 Abandonment: 1. Salvage equipment for Owner as identified on the Drawings and Specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 2. Remove above-grade structures, cabinets, hatches, concrete pads, piping, electrical service, water service and other items and appurtenances as identified on the Drawings and Specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 3. Remove pump station below grade mechanical and electrical items including all plumbing, piping, valves, fittings, instrumentation equipment, conduit, wiring, devises, supports, and appurtenances, 4. Abate and properly dispose of regulated building materials containing lead and other regulated contaminants. 5. Abandon and fill the belowgrade pump station structure. B. Sewer System Improvements: 1. Furnish and install 8-inchdiameter no-dig vitrified clay pipe (VCP) PSS sewer main to line and grade by trenchless Pilot Tube Guided Boring (PTGB) method as identified on the Drawings and Specifications and as directed by the Engineer. 2. Install new utility structures and connections to the existing sanitary sewer system and modify existing utility structures and re-channel bases. 3. Relocate City-owned and franchise utilities, remove and replace City-owned water main segments, and adjust utility castings to grade. 4. Restore pavement surfaces and asphalt berms. 5. Provide testing and commissioning support and coordinate and complete all required inspections to satisfy permit requirements. This Project is a Covered Project subject to the City of Seattle's Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) and Priority Hire SMC 20.37. With the support of the mayor and City Council, the City of Seattle administers programs that support racial and economic equity through contracting. Priority Elire is one of these programs. Priority Hire provides people living in economically distressed communities, women, and people of color access to work on the city's construction projects. It gives contractors access to these skilled workers This Project has Project Specific Experience Requirements as described in Section 00 11 53 of the Project Manual For purposes of the Inclusion Plan, this is considered a TRENCHLESS type ofproject with a Past Performance of 9% WMBE utilization rates based on completed projects. For questions please contact Miguel Beltran at or 206-684-4525. Backup contact is Carmen Kucinski at or 206-684-01.88. Written questions must be submitted via email to no later than 5 p.m. the Friday before the Bid Opening Date


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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10334 Bedford Ct NW, Seattle, WA

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