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Published April 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a communication facility in Hollister, Idaho. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility.

This DPW project consists replacing the existing Telecommunication Tower with a new 65 foot self-supporting, four-leg communications tower with all required antenna support equipment and ice bridging to the existing Communications Shelter Building, design and coordination to be managed by a single Design-Build Team. The existing structure is at capacity and does not comply with Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) standards. A Statement of Work (SOW) has been prepared by Public Safety Communications (PSC), which include a detailed scope of work, location and photos of the existing Tower and Communication Shelter building. A Current Geotechnical Soils Report (w/Resistivity testing at Tower location) has been prepared by Atlas Technical Consultants, dated 11/21/22 and will be made available to assist with the tower design. DPW is requesting proposals for a Design-Builder who will be a team player, who will work closely and in harmony with DPW and PSC and be proactive with the design and construction processes (design phases, Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses plan reviews/permitting, early bid packages, identify long lead items). It will be essential to work closely with PSC when specifying equipment that may require sole sourcing due to quality, reliability and system compatibility requirements at the remote, yet accessible, site with seasonal weather and extreme wind conditions. Most important to PSC is quality of work, reputation within the industry and years of experience. The Design-Build team will be required to provide all services as per the standard DPW Design-Build Agreement and be licensed as required for the design and construction work. The Design-Build Team is required to provide Programming, Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction. The Design-Build Team shall make a minimum of one (1) presentation to the Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council and shall keep in mind that during all phases, code compliance, energy efficiency, and building maintenance concerns should be incorporated into the design. The Design-Build team will be required to upload all documents to DPW's cloud-based project management system, Projectmates. Documents may include, but are not limited to meeting minutes, sketches, diagrams, programming analysis, photographs relevant to the project, drawings, project manual, schedules, cost estimates, field reports, RFI's, Submittals, Proposal Requests, close out documents, warranties, etc. The Design-Build Team shall be responsible for the Construction Phase which shall include: preparation of construction documents, construction and construction administration by the Design-Builder as well as the Architect/Engineers of Record. Construction administration will also include conferences, weekly site observations, document management as noted above, and progress meetings with the Agency and DPW. he contents of the submittal may be used in a legal contract or agreement. Proposers should be aware that methods and procedures proposed could become contractual obligations. The State reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request. The State may also negotiate separately with any source in any manner necessary to serve the best interests of the State of Idaho. Awards will be made on the basis of submittals resulting from this request and subsequent interviews. All questions must be sent to the DPW Project Manager: Jessica Rodriguez, Project Manager ivision of Public Works 502 N. 4th St. PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0072 (208) 332-1920 Jessica.Rodriguez@adm.idaho.gov




Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Hollister, ID

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