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Site work and paving for a civil project in Springfield, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and water / sewer project.

APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES No. Description Qty. Unit 1 CONSTRUCT 7" CONCRETE PAVEMENT (TYPE L65 W/ INTEGRAL CURB) 31719 SY 2 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 10573 CY 3 TIE BARS 24 EA 4 EXCAVATION ON-SITE (ESTABLISHED QUANTITIY) 5000 CY 5 ADJUST MANHOLE TO GRADE 69 EA 6 CONSTRUCT 18" RCP, CLASS III 2859 LF 7 CONSTRUCT 24" RCP, CLASS III 1123 LF 8 CONSTRUCT 30" RCP, CLASS III 1082 LF 9 CONSTRUCT 36" RCP, D(0.01)=1,350 1030 LF 10 CONSTRUCT 42" RCP, D(0.01)=1,350 614 LF 11 CONSTRUCT 48" RCP, D(0.01)=1,350 320 LF 12 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET - TYPE I 38 EA 13 CONSTRUCT CURB INLET - TYPE III 14 EA 14 CONSTRUCT 54" I.D. STORM MANHOLE (FLAT TOP) (11) 72 VF 15 CONSTRUCT 60" I.D. STORM MANHOLE (FLAT TOP) (6) 42 VF 16 CONSTRUCT 72" I.D. STORM MANHOLE (FLAT TOP) (6) 59 VF 17 CONSTRUCT 72" AREA INLET - TYPE II 14 VF 18 CONSTRUCT 18" RC FLARED END SECTION 4 EA 19 CONSTRUCT 42" RC FLARED END SECTION 2 EA 20 CONSTRUCT 48" RC FLARED END SECTION 2 EA 21 CONSTRUCT 30" PIPE PLUG 1 EA 22 CONSTRUCT 36" PIPE PLUG 1 EA 23 INSTALL PIPE COUPLERS 12 EA 24 CONSTRUCT TYPE B RIP-RAP 500 TN 25 CONSTRUCT STREET NAME SIGN 36 EA 26 CONSTRUCT SIGN POST 18 EA 27 INSTALL SEEDING - TYPE A 2500 SY 28 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING 2500 SY 29 INSTALL SILT FENCE 500 LF 30 JET EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 9621 LF 31 PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS 32 CONSTRUCT 6" PCC MEDIAN SURFACING 366 SF 33 INSTALL PERMANENT PAINT MARKING - 5" WHITE 100 LF 34 CONSTRUCT END OF ROAD MARKER 3 EA 35 SEDIMENT BASIN CLEANOUT (BY OTHERS) 1 LS. The amount of the engineer's estimate of the cost of said improvements (exclusive of engineering, fiscal, legal, interest, easement acquisition, and miscellaneous costs) is $3,427,000.00. . All proposals must be submitted on bid forms furnished by E & A Consulting Group, and must be accompanied by an original bid bond or a certified check in the amount not less than $171,350.00 made payable to the Treasurer of Sanitary and Improvement District No. 370 as security that the bidder to whom the contract may be awarded will enter into a contract to build the improvements in accordance with this Notice to Contractor and will give a contract and maintenance bond in the amount of 100% of the total contract price, all as provided in the specifications. Bid bonds must be executed by a duly licensed corporate surety. Checks accompanying proposals not accepted shall be returned to the bidders. No bidder may withdraw his proposal for a period of sixty (60) days after date set for opening of bids. All proposals must be enclosed in an envelope, sealed and addressed to the "Clerk of Sanitary and Improvement District No. 370" and shall be marked "PROPOSAL FOR STORM SEWER AND PAVING SYSTEM - SECTION I" with the bidder's name and address on said envelope. The Bid Security shall be in a separate sealed envelope attached to the Proposal envelope and shall be marked "BID SECURITY" with the project identified thereon. Proposals received after the above time shall be returned unopened to the bidder submitting the proposal. The work herein provided shall be done under written contract with the responsible bidder submitting the lowest acceptable bid in accordance with the requirements of the plans and specifications and as provided by law. Sanitary and Improvement District No. 370 of Sarpy County, Nebraska, reserves the right to reject any or all bids received and to waive informalities and irregularities.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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February 14, 2023

April 17, 2023


Multiple Locations, Springfield, NE

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