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Published March 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Woodbridge, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

It is the intention of the Authority to issue a Purchase Order / "NOA" for the procurement of the REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF GLASS AT ALL FACILITIES AND TOLL BOOTHS ALONG THE NJ TURNPIKE AND GARDEN STATE PARKWAY. Items purchased under this contract will be delivered as directed by the Authority. Please contact CHRISTINE NOBLE with any questions regarding this procurement at noble@njta.com. Any inquiries concerning this bid must be sent via email to noble@njta.Com no later than february 8, 2023 The Contractor shall furnish all labor, replacement parts, materials, services, equipment, tools and insurance to perform the required repairs and replacement of glass, which is broken or contains Plexiglas, at all facilities and toll booths along the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway, including but not limited to, all facilities. b. The Contractor shall be notified by the Maintenance Department what glass is to be replaced. If possible, the Authority shall attempt to wait until several windows require replacement before "calling out" the Contractor. The Contractor will be issued a list of Interchange phone numbers. The Contractor shall call in advance to schedule the work with the respective Plaza Supervisor. The Plaza Supervisor will instruct and assist the Contractor in moving his vehicle about the Interchange to perform the necessary toll booth work. c. The Contractor shall size the glass to fit uniformly into the opening (gaps between the gasket and glass or gasket and toll booth will not be permitted and shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense). A continuous caulked joint or gasket seal will be permitted to match the prior installation. Any original mullion strip/sashes/jambs or structural member of glass framings shall be repaired or replaced to pre-accident conditions. NOTE: The Contractor shall not assume that all toll booths at any one plaza have the same size windows. d. The Contractor shall install the gasket, if required, with the locking strip on the outside of the booth. The gaskets must be continuous between corners (no intermediate joints will be permitted). All corner joints shall be tight fitting and neatly filled with non-hardening 3M #8578, black, stripcaulk or black silicone sealant. Sloppy cuts, even though filled with sealer, are not acceptable and will be redone at the Contractor's expense. Should the Contractor encounter any problems with gasket fit, the Contractor shall contact the appropriate General Foreman (Turnpike) or Craftsperson Supervisor (Parkway) before proceeding




Public - State/Provincial


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February 17, 2023

March 20, 2023


Multiple Locations, Woodbridge, NJ

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