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Published February 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Washington, District of Columbia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
1 Department of State 2023 A/E IDIQ for Worldwide Modernization and Renovation Design Services Sources Sought - Market Research This is a Sources Sought notice Only. This Sources Sought Notice is issued for information and planning purposes only as part of U.S. Department of State market research and does not constitute an RFP. The purpose of this notice is to obtain information regarding the availability and capability of qualified Small Business (SB), Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), HubZone (HUBZ), 8(a), and Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Businesses under NAICS code 541310. Be advised that acquisition strategy and set-aside decisions may be made based on the information provided in response to this Sources Sought notice. The government is requesting information regarding the availability of capable firms to support the requirements of the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE (DOS), Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) for indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contracts to qualified architect/engineer firm-led teams (prime or joint venture) of licensed professionals to provide comprehensive architectural and engineering (A/E) services. Responders are advised that the government will not pay for information submitted in response to this sources sought notice, nor will it compensate responders for any costs incurred in the development/furnishing of a response. Please note that a decision not to submit a response to this sources sought notice will not preclude a vendor from participating in any future solicitation. Description: Design services shall include but are not limited to the following: pre-planning, due diligence activities in advance of design services, design services, and construction administration services. Design scope will be limited to modernization projects on existing compounds, lease-fit-out, residential, and minor construction projects. Scope: The design services scope may include the following professional services: architecture, historic preservation, landscape architecture, long range planning, master planning, interior design & space planning, furniture specification, site utilization studies, cost estimating, budget assessment, graphic design and signage, food service design, scheduling, engineering support services, and environmental and sustainable design. A/E's shall coordinate U.S. Government's requirements and the applicable laws, codes and standards at the overseas project sites. A/E will likely be required to sub-contract local A/E for each task orders to complete due diligence, preplanning activities and/or obtain local design approvals. Knowledge and experience in the preparation of planning, design and construction documents employing alternative delivery methods (e.g. design-build with bridging, design-build, and design-bid-build, etc.) will be required. We are seeking Companies in the following Socio-Economic Categories under NAICS code: Small Business (SB), Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), HubZone (HUBZ), 8(a), and Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Businesses. All interested companies must have an active registration in the System for Award Management (SAM) and not be on the Excluded Party List. 2 1. Technical Requirements 2A. Submission Requirements and Format: 2A.1 Organization. Organize submittals by factor according to the list in Section 2.C below. Tab and clearly identify each factor in the submittal. 2A.2 Language. Use only the English language. Submit an English translation for all information originally provided in another language. If an English translation is not provided, DOS will not review or consider the information submitted only in another language. Non-English language pages are not included in any page counts. 2A.3 Page Limits. Maximum page limits for each factor are identified in Section 2.C. If a submission exceeds the allowable page limits, DOS may consider only the designated number of pages, starting with the first page of each factor. 2A.4 Page Size. Pages are based on a single-sided 8 1/2 " x 11" (or A4) sheet. Page equivalencies are: one double-sided page = two single-sided pages; 11"x17" fold-outs = two pages per side. Except where otherwise specified, the maximum paper size permitted is 11" x 17" (or A3). 2A.5 Font. Submit offers in size 12 font minimum. Only the Standard Form (SF) 330, required for use by the design subcontractors, may be prepared in size 10 font. SF 330 is available through: 2A.6 Color. Submit text as black writing on a white background. Text that is difficult to read due to the use of colored text, colored background, and/or font selection may result in a failure of one or more factors. 2A.7 Format and Copies. Provide one electronic copy via email; see submission instructions at the end of this sources sought notice. 2A.8 Missing Information. A proposal submission discovered to be incomplete or missing the required information may be eliminated from further consideration. 2A.9 Additional Information. Offerors are cautioned that DOS will consider only the information in the submission and that obtained by DOS from additional sources concerning past performance. 2B. Definitions: 2B.1 Where the term "Offeror" is used, it is intended that requirements for the Offeror apply equally to either a single Contractor or to all parties of a Joint Venture (JV), where applicable. 2B.2 The contract(s) included in this sources sought are referenced as "the Contract" in Section 2.C. 2C. CONTENT OF SUBMISSIONS AND FACTORS FOR EVALUATION: FACTOR 1: Joint Venture Agreement/Signed Statement of JV Intent & Description of Partnership. 1.1 Page limit: Three. The JV agreement or Statement of Intent to form a JV does not count against the page limit for this factor. 1.2 If the planned organizational structure for the Offeror is a JV, provide a Statement of Intent to form a JV, signed by all parties to the JV. If a formal JV has already been formed, the JV agreement may be submitted in lieu of the Statement of Intent. If the 3 Offeror is not submitting as a JV, include a statement in the submission in response to this factor. 1.3 Organizations that wish to rely upon the experience or financial resources of any other legally related entity or organization, including parent companies, subsidiaries, or other related firms, must do so by way of a JV or a "de facto" JV. In cases of a "de facto" JV where no formal joint venture agreement is in place, the parties must agree, in writing, to be jointly and severable liable for performance of any contract awarded. 1.4 Describe the relationship of the JV parties. 1.5 Identify each JV party's role. 1.6 Identify the type and percentage of work assigned to each JV party. 1.7 For a "de facto" JV, provide the signed written agreement identified in section 1.3 above. Identify the parties' intended roles in the Project. If the offeror is organized as a Joint Venture, DOS will evaluate whether the roles and responsibilities of the JV parties have been adequately described. This factor is not applicable if there is no JV or "de facto" JV. FACTOR 2: A/E Firm Past Performance on Design (12 pages maximum) 2.1 Page limit: Four per project. 2.2 Submit a portfolio of at least three projects that have been designed and fully constructed in the last ten years. Project values shall range from $10 million to $100 million USD. A maximum of two of these examples may be OBO projects. 2.2.1 Each project example shall include the following information: Project Name Identify A/E Firm role and area(s) of responsibility on each project Project program and function Project budget, final contract amount, schedule, and completion date The projects presented shall display the Offeror's unique approach to solving complex and overlapping owner's requirements. The material shall address the design approach with salient features for each project and explain how the client's multi-functional and complex program, image, mission, economic, schedule, maintenance, functional and operational objectives were satisfied by the overall design/planning solution. Describe the relevance of submitted projects to the specific IDIQ scope or description under which the offeror is submitting. Cite any certificates, awards, peer recognition, etc. demonstrating high performance design solutions. At a minimum, a site plan, a representative floor plan, a building section, two photographs, and other appropriate drawings and diagrams must be included for each project. *NOTE: Only submit drawings with markings removed. Do not submit any drawings, specifications, pictures, or other information that is classified as Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) or higher. 4 FACTOR 3: Innovation and Design Philosophy (6 pages maximum) 3.1 Page limit: 2 per project. 3.2 Present three project examples illustrating their experience implementing innovative design solutions. These examples may include innovation in a range of areas including project delivery, sustainability technology, off-site manufacturing, mass-timber systems, renewable power generation, and other technology solutions. 3.2.1 The Offeror shall highlight any environmental, social, and cultural problems solved through design and their impact on the communities they serve. The Offeror shall state the parameters of an overall design philosophy; their approach to the challenge of public architecture; and their commitment to integrated and sustainable design. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 3:00 P.M. Eastern Time on March 3, 2023. We are seeking Companies in the following Socio-Economic Categories under NAICS code 541310 - Architectural Services: Small Business (SB), Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), HubZone (HUBZ), 8(a), and Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Businesses. Offeror must state the following on the cover of the submission: o Modernization and Renovation Design Services Market Research o Identify the offeror's business size status/social-economic category (Small Business (SB), Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), HubZone (HUBZ), 8(a), and Service Disabled, Veteran Owned Businesses) under NAICS code 541310 o Offeror's registration Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number TRANSMISSION OF SUBMISSIONS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ELECTRONICALLY VIA EMAIL ONLY, PLEASE E-MAIL SOFT COPIES OF MARKET RESEARCH TO: Lori Botkin, Samantha Pakuwal, and Jennifer Leung at REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATIONS must be submitted in writing to Lori Botkin, Samantha Pakuwal, and Jennifer Leung at The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
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