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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Jenks, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

City of Jenks Separate sealed Bids for CITY OF JENKS, PAVEMENT MICROSURFACING PROJECT and all appurtenances thereto, will be received by the City of Jenks, 211 North Elm, P.O. Box 2007, Jenks, Oklahoma 74037. Said construction shall be to microsurface approximately 75650 square yards within the following subdivisions: Country Hollow, Country Woods I, Country Woods II, Slate Creek, Southwoods and Woodlakes. Traffic Control and scheduling limits of no access to streets will be based on approval by City Engineer and door-to-door notification of affects residents at least 72 hours in advance. This project includes all associated appurtenances, labor, materials, equipment, supplies, services, and related items in the specification and as designed. Each Bid must be accompanied by a BID BOND payable to the CITY OF JENKS for Five Percent (5%) of the total amount of the Bid. As soon as the Bid prices have been compared, the CITY OF JENKS will return the BONDS of all except the three lowest responsible Bids. When the Agreement is executed, the bonds of the two remaining unsuccessful Bids will be returned. The BID BOND of the successful Bid will not be returned until the PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS have been executed and approved, after which it will be returned. Attorneys-in-Fact who sign BID, PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BONDS must file with each Bond a certified and effective dated copy of their power of attorney. All Bid amounts must be made on the required BID form. ALL blank spaces for Bid prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, and BID form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. Bids carrying riders, alterations of construction time or qualifications which modify the amount of the Bid as submitted. The CITY OF JENKS may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all Bids. Any Bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of Bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any Bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No Bid may be withdrawn for at least sixty (60) calendar days following the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the CITY OF JENKS and the Proposer. Proposals/Bids shall include a completed "Statement of Bidder's Qualifications", Section 00230, at the time of the Proposal/Bid Submittal. All forms are included. Question Deadline 02/17/2023 Submit Questions to: Chris Cloyde, Engineering Department: All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents must be submitted in writing to the City Engineer no later than five (5) working days prior to the bid due date.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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