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Published March 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Tabernacle, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Please note: an official estimated value or budget is not being released for this project. Any values listed are for searchability purposes only and may not reflect the true value of the project. 1. CONTRACT FOR MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION - PROJECT DELINEATION. The scope of the work of the different projects within this bid are as follows. Refer to Architectural Drawing A1.0, "General Notes and Schedules" for a delineation of the areas included within each project referenced below: a. SNC-04, Chiller Plant Expansion. 1) Installation of a new 280 ton air cooled chiller as scheduled and detailed, with all required and specified piping, pumps and appurtenances. 2) Modifications to the existing chiller and chilled water piping system and associated pumps as detailed and necessary to accommodate the new chilled water plant. 3) Structural Steel Work, including construction of the new dunnage frame as required to support the new chiller. 4) Plumbing work specified and necessary to complete the scope of the work. 5) Electrical work specified and necessary to complete the scope of the work. 6) BMS installation and integration as delineated within the contract mechanical drawings and specifications. 7) Restoration of existing building finishes affected or altered und the scope of this contract, including but not limited to interior wall, ceiling and floor finishes, exterior brick finishes, and the existing roof. The existing roof at this area of Seneca High School is under warranty, the contractor shall perform the work in struct compliance with the terms and conditions of the roofing manufacturer's warranty, as specified within these documents.. a. General Coordination responsibilities including the following: 1) Coordination of the work with other prime Contractors active on the project site. Other Contractors shall act in accordance with the schedule dictated by the Owner, and shall coordinate all construction activities through the General Contractor and Owner, as agreed and accepted by the Owner and Architect. b. Selective demolition responsibilities included within the scope of the project shall include the following: 1) Removal of wall mounted equipment and furnishings as designated and required to complete the scope of the proposed work 2) Preparation of existing concrete subfloor and substrates as required to accommodate the proposed construction. 3) Repair, patching and preparation of existing ceiling construction as required to accommodate the proposed construction, and as required to accept the specified finishes. 4) Removal and relocation of existing electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems indicated and required for the performance of the proposed work. c. Supply and installation of steel roof dunnage, frames and supports as required to accommodate the proposed mechanical construction. Note that the conditions vary at each area, and are to be field verified. d. Removal and restoration of acoustical panel ceiling systems, including coordination and sequencing of the work with the owner and other contractors. e. Patching of building finishes damaged or altered as a result of the work of this contract. The work of this contract shall include, but is not limited to, floor tile removal and replacement necessary to accommodate the removal and replacement of the specified mechanical systems.




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February 28, 2023

March 28, 2023


110 Carranza Rd, Tabernacle, NJ

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