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Published March 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Peru, Indiana. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of March 28, 2023 this project has been cancelled and currently there are no plans on rebidding at this time.** The Miami County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA) in partnership with the City of Peru believes there are certain buildings within the City of Peru's designated Downtown District that are "key" buildings requiring rehabilitation and reuse. Many of these buildings are in deplorable condition and are a detriment to overall development in the downtown. MCEDA also believes these key buildings, once rehabilitated, can play a major role in the revitalization efforts of the downtown and be a catalyst for other property owners to take notice, invest, and rehab their properties as well. Finally, the Miami County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA) and the City believe that a public private partnership investment plan in these key buildings is necessary to engage and incentivize rehabilitation and reuse by a private developer/s. Subsequently the Miami County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA), acting in its capacity as the City of Peru Redevelopment Commission, invites qualified parties to submit Statements of Proposal for the rehabilitation and reuse of the former H&R Block Building located at 75 S. Broadway St., Peru, Indiana. II. PROJECT SCOPE: All rehabilitation work must conform to the State of Indiana Uniform Building Code based on the planned reuse of the building unless a variance to certain requirements is approved by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. MCEDA and the City of Peru, has contracted the services of a consultant that can assist the selected proposal/developer with questions regarding addressing and conforming to Code requirements, and applications for variances as may be applicable. These services will be provided at no charge to the selected proposal/developer. III. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: Each of the proposals received by the published deadline will be reviewed by an evaluation committee. Members of this committee will include officials from City Government, Rediscover Downtown Peru Main Street Program, and MCEDA. The criteria that will be utilized in evaluating proposals are as follows: o Proposed reuse and how does the Project compliment Peru's Downtown District and Revitalization Plan o Your ability and capacity to perform the work o Proposed timeline o Estimated Construction Cost to be determined later Of all evaluation criteria listed in this Request for Proposal, the proposed reuse and your ability and capacity to perform the work will be given the most weight by the evaluation committee. MCEDA and or the evaluation committee reserve the right to reject any and all Statement of Proposals at their sole discretion. IV. PROPOSALS: Please respond to the following requests: o Provide a narrative that fully describes your intended reuse of the building to include how your project will compliment the ongoing efforts to revitalize Peru's Downtown District o If possible, provide a rendering showing the exterior of the completed project. o List your experience and involvement in similar projects. Include pictures of completed projects as applicable. o Any initial estimate of cost for rehabilitation of the building. Final budget to be finalized and negotiated between the developer and City after initial selection o Project timeline Be it understood that: o All offerors will be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals. MCEDA may enter into discussions with offerors to clarify and assure a full understanding of proposals. o MCEDA may refuse to disclose the contents of Statement of Proposal during discussions with eligible offerors. o MCEDA reserves the right to negotiate the best and final offers of responsible offerors. V: PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP: As previously stated, MCEDA believes a public private partnership will be required to engage and incentivize rehabilitation of this building. Therefore, it can be assumed that some level of financial assistance may be provided to the selected proposal/developer. This assistance may be in the form of a forgivable loan up to one half of the estimated construction costs reimbursed upon completion of the rehabilitation. The exact amount of assistance will be negotiated with the selected proposal/developer and is always subject to final approval at a public meeting of the Peru City Council.

Final Planning



Public - County


Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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75 S Broadway Ave, Peru, IN

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