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Published March 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Grayling, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Floor and Baseboard epoxy installation 4 Mile Road-Rest Area Bidder shall provide a Lump Sum Bid for completing all floors and baseboards within the facility. Bidder shall Mechanically abrade the existing floor by diamond grind/scarifying process. Bidder shall Mechanically abrade the existing baseboard, repair, or replace cracked tiles and apply gray Epoxy coating system. Bidder shall apply cement-based floor leveler to create a smooth surface. Bidder shall apply a Three (3) coat. Epoxy color chip system with anti-slip additive. (Example of same, can be viewed at the Vanderbilt Rest Area, in Otsego County). Project must be completed before April 29, 2023. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities in the bids and to award the bid deemed to be in the best interest of Crawford County. Bidder shall Mechanically abrade the existing floor by diamond grind/scarifying process. Bidder shall Mechanically abrade the existing baseboard, repair, or replace cracked tiles and apply gray Epoxy coating system. Bidder shall apply cement-based floor leveler to create a smooth surface. Bidder shall apply a Three (3) coat Epoxy color chip system with anti-slip additive. (Example of same, can be viewed at the Vanderbilt Rest Area, in Otsego County). All Prep work, material, labor, cleanup, etc., to perform job, shall be included in Bid price. Project must be completed before April 29, 2023. Bidder urged to inspect facility prior to bidding.




Public - County


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To Be Determined, Grayling, MI

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