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Saving Project...

Published May 27, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Winnetka, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; road / highway; for site work for a educational facility; road / highway; for paving for a educational facility; and road / highway.

Greeley and Hubbard Woods Capital Improvements - Bid Period 003, Greeley and Hubbard Woods Projects - CIP Referendum Project The Board of Education of Winnetka School District 36, Cook County, Illinois is accepting bid proposals for the Greeley and Hubbard Woods Capital Improvements - Bid Period 003, Greeley and Hubbard Woods Projects - CIP Referendum Project. The Scope of Work consists of the selective demolition, masonry, general trades, roofing & sheet metal, aluminum openings, flooring, acoustical ceilings, painting, fire protection, plumbing, electrical, asphalt paving, and ceramic tile to complete the balance of work associated with the addition and renovations at the Hubbard Woods School, as well as the renovations at Greeley Elementary. Prime Trade Agreements for the work will be assigned to the Construction Manager. All bids must be accompanied by a Cashier's Check or Bid Bond of ten percent (10%) in the amount of the Base Bid made payable to Winnetka Public School District 36. Contractors shall guarantee their submitted Bid Proposal for a ninety (90) day period from the date of Bid Opening. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond for one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the base bid. Contractor's Qualifications Statement must be submitted at time of bid or already be on file with Pepper Construction. Compliance with Prevailing Wages for Cook County and all equal employment practices is required. Contractors are to allow adequate time to check-in at the security desk and bring a state issued form of identification to obtain a security badge for entrance into the schools. For more information and contract documents, please contact: Dariusz Sieminski - Pepper Construction - (847) 833-5964 - dsieminski@pepperconstruction.com AJ Wojtowicz - Pepper Construction - (815) 999-7220 - awojtowicz@pepperconstruction.com Christi Adams - Pepper Construction - (847) 620-4037 - cadams@pepperconstruction.com Bid Results: Masonry work at Greeley in the amount of $186,500.00 by Mastership Construction Co. Roofing and sheet metal in the amount of $341,500.00 by Seal Tight Exteriors Aluminum storefront and windows in the amount of $297,800.00 by 3F Corp. Resilient flooring and carpet in the amount of $162,000.00 by Douglas Floor Covering, Inc. Paint and coatings in the amount of $100,600.00 by Ascher Brothers Co. Fire protection at Greeley in the amount of $39,226 by Nelson Fire Protection Ceramic tile in the amount of $96,250.00 by Douglas Floor Covering Electrical in the amount of $2,494,464.00 by Integrated Electrical

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Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Winnetka, IL

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Greeley and Hubbard Woods Capital Improvements - Bid Period 003

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