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Published March 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Aquinnah, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Up Island Regional School District, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids for the HVAC Renovations at the Chilmark School in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Chilmark School isan elementary school in the Town of Chilmark on the island of Martha's Vineyard. The physical schoolbuilding was constructed in 1998 and is a wood frame structure. The scope of the base contract includes and is not limited to the following, Demolition (both interior and exterior); Gable end access modifications; Spray Foam Insulation; ERV Relocations; Ductwork; HVAC Equipment; Controls; Insulation, (staging, labor, material, equipment, startup, and balancing of same); Exterior/Interior modifications specific to gable and attic access; Electrical and all other Work as detailed and specified within the contract documents. The work is estimated to cost $1,200,000 with two alternates. Hard copy bids will not be accepted by the Awarding Authority. Tutorials and Instructions are available online. For assistance, contact Projectdog Inc. at 978.499.9014. The project is located at the Chilmark Elementary School, 8 State Road, Chilmark, MA 02535. The Up Island Regional School District, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids for HVAC Renovation at Chilmark School in accordance with Contract Documents. The Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids for HVAC Renovation at Chilmark School in accordance with Contract Documents. The Chilmark School is an elementary school in the Town of Chilmark on the island of Martha's Vineyard. The physical school building was constructed in 1998 and is a wood frame structure. The scope of the base contract includes and is not limited to the following, Demolition: Gable end access modification and closures; Sprayfoam Insulation; ERV Relocation; Ductwork; HVAC Equipment; Controls; and all associated installation and balancing; ERV Exterior Carpentry specific to gable and attic access; Electrical as detailed and specified within the contract documents. The work is estimated to cost $1,200,000 with two alternates. All bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 44A-J & to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.149 26 to 27H inclusive. General bidders must be certified by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) in the category of HVAC and must submit a current DCAMM Certificate of Eligibility and a signed Update Statement with their bid. Each Filed Sub-Bidder must be certified by the Department of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) showing that the Sub-Bidder has been certified in their particular category to participate on public construction projects and to perform the work required, For a Sub-Bid to be considered, a DCAM Certification and Update Statement indicating additional work or contracts performed or executed after the certification date must be submitted. Questions from General Contractors are due by March 01, 2023 at 12:00PM. Questions from the Sub-bidders are due February 16, 2023 at 12:00PM. Filed Sub-bids for the trades listed below will be received until February 22, 2023 at 4:00PM and publicly opened, forthwith online. SUBTRADES - Painting -Electrical The Filed Sub Bid HVAC contractor will also be a General (Prime) Contractor for this project and will procure, oversee and administer all associated work of the General (Prime) Contractor. The contract will be awarded to the bidder deemed by the awarding authority to be the most responsible and eligible low bidder, as further set forth in the Instructions to Bidders. The Awarding Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities, to accept or reject, in whole or in part any or all bids, or take whatever other action that may be deemed by the Awarding Authority to be in the best interest of the Awarding Authority. description: the scope of the base contract includes and is not limited to the following, demolition (both interior and exterior); gable end access modifications; spray foam insulation; erv relocations; ductwork; hvac equipment; controls; insulation, (staging, labor, material, equipment, startup, and balancing of same); exterior / interior modifications specific to gable and attic access; electrical and all other work as detailed and specified within the contract documents. The project is located at the Chilmark Elementary School, 8 State Road, Chilmark, MA 02535. Project No- CHILMARK

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March 8, 2023

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8 State Rd, Aquinnah, MA

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