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Published June 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

As of 05/03/2023 Project was cancelled. The Project entails the expansion of the Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) "Purple" Parking Ramp located on Park Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets South in Minneapolis. The new ramp will have approximately 100+ parking stalls, two levels below grade, 9 levels above grade for a total of 11 floors. The project also includes: An approximately 30,500 square foot shell space liner building on the street level of the ramp along Portland Avenue. This space is for future medical center department space. Fit out of the shell space is not included in this project. A skyway link across Portland Avenue to the Thrivent Building A service dock below grade and improvements to the existing tunnel connection through the existing parking ramp to the existing tunnel under Park Avenue Two levels of enclosed parking below grade that includes EMS ambulance parking and provides for other operational needs. Aesthetic exterior application to the existing ramp, interior finishes improvements to the existing ramp elevator lobbies, an improved patient drop-off area, wayfinding, and traffic control enhancements. Digital signage for messaging and wayfinding will be utilized The ramp will include sustainability components such as: electric vehicle charging stations, roof top screening utilizing solar paneling, and underground storm water retention Both ramps are intended to act as the front door for accessing health services on the HCMC campus An allowance is included for the construction of a Solar Array Canopy to be located above the top parking level (see Cost Breakdown Form - Attachment B-1). The design of the Solar Array and the Canopy will be issued to the selected Contractor post-award and the work will be authorized by change order. Clarification Deadline: 3/3/2023 12:00 PM The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and includes, but is not limited to, thefollowing: 1. Existing Purple Ramp a. In the early 1980's, Hennepin County built the Purple Ramp to provide additional parkingfor staff, patients & visitors. The ramp is a cast-in-place post-tensioned structurewithanexposed aggregate exterior precast paneled facade. In recent years, the usage of theramphas exceeded availability of parking spaces. Based on a cursory review, the current rampisin good condition and has been well maintained. b. The ramp was designed as a single directional-flow helical ramp, with a cross over inthemiddle. Visitors can proceed up or cross over at mid-span, to reverse direction. Pedestrianbridges provide access to the HCMC facility across Park Avenue and to the HennepinCounty building over Sixth Street. 2. Project Description a. HHS is planning on expanding the existing Hennepin Healthcare Purple Parking Ramp. Theproject includes the construction of a nine-story parking garage containing 1,004parkingspaces. There will be approximately 28,000 square feet of commercial space providedonthe ground level. HHS is planning to connect the proposed parking garage to thenewThrivent building located across Portland Avenue from the site via a skyway. Theskywaywould then connect into an existing skyway in the existing Purple Parking Garagethat connects to the HCMC campus. b. The exterior materials of the parking garage include perforated metal panel, solidaluminummetal panel, and curtain wall system. The design is proposing to clad portions of theexisting parking garage with metal panel, and paint other portions to blend the existingandproposed parking garages together. To meet the City of Minneapolis' screening requirement, the design is proposing to install a solar array on the roof of the proposedparking garage The estimated total construction cost for the Work is $ 70,000,000 (inclusive of a $3,000,000 Allowance for a Solar Array Canopy). CERT-certified Small Business Participation (exclusive of the allowance for the Solar Array Canopy): 14% for Small Minority-Owned Businesses (SMBE) 16% for Small Women-Owned Businesses (SWBE) Workforce: 32% minority workforce 20% female workforce Michael Rosenfeld Hennepin County Purchasing Department michael.rosenfeld@hennepin.us and Joey Prusak Hennepin County Facility Services Department Joey.prusak@hennepin.us

Bid Results

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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March 22, 2023

May 22, 2023


701 Park Ave South, Minneapolis, MN

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