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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Nevada, Iowa. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Story County, Iowa ("County") seeks proposals and cost estimates for a disaster debris site management plan for the property located at 60016 160th Street, Nevada, Iowa as described in this Request for the Proposal ("RFP"). Story County, Iowa, has entered into an agreement to purchase the north 20 acres of the property located at the southeast corner of 600th Avenue and 160th Street (60016 600th Ave) in Milford Township. See Figure 1. The site is to be used as a debris staging and reduction site for disaster debris including, but not limited to, vegetative debris, construction and demolition debris, and household hazardous waste. Debris from a disaster would be brought to the site by County departments, the public, or a contracted waste collection service, sorted, and processed prior to final disposal at another location. The site was previously used for stover storage and has a gravel base, as well as a gravel loop drive with access to 160th Street, a gravel County road. 600th Avenue is a paved, County road. The scope of services is to prepare a debris management plan for the site, including a site plan detailing improvements and site layout necessary to support the proposed use, and meeting all state and federal requirements for debris handling. Debris types to be planned for include white goods/appliances, electronics, construction and demolition waste, vegetative, and household hazardous waste. Story County will be accepting questions from February 7 through 5:00 PM, February 14, 2023, regarding this RFP. Please submit questions via email to Amelia Schoeneman, Story County Planning and Development Director, at Written responses will be published no later than 5:00 pm, March 2, 2023. Board of Supervisors action on contract and effective start of contract-- March 21, 2023 Story County reservesthe right to reject any and all proposalsreceived as a result of this Request for Proposal. If a proposal is selected, it will be the most advantageousregarding quality of service, the Vendor's qualification, capabilitiesto provide the specified service, and other factorsthat Story County may consider. Story County reservesthe right to waive or not waive informalities or irregularities in proposals or proposal procedures, and to accept or further negotiate cost, terms, or conditions of any proposal determined by Story County to be in the best interest of Story County even though not the lowest bid. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 29, 2023


60016 160th St, Nevada, IA

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