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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Washington, District of Columbia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

Replacement and Installation of New Carpet at the Anacostia Library The subject solicitation is cancelled in its entirety for the following reasons:: a) Inadequate or ambiguous specifications were cited in the IFB; and (b) Specifications have been revised. A mandatory site visit to see and measure the space will be held on February 8 th , 9 th, 10th, 13th , 14th , and 15th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Anacostia Library. STATEMENT OF WORK DCPL is seeking proposals from interested and qualified Contractors experienced in carpet removal and installation services to provide all materials, labor, supervision, and insurance, necessary to remove and install new carpet at the Anacostia Library. The carpet will be installed in the first-floor children's area (See Attachment J.1). The replacement carpet must conform to the specifications outlined in this IFB. The Anacostia Library is located at 1800 Good Hope Road, SE Washington, DC. SCOPE OF WORK C.2.1 The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the below tasks. The Contractor shall: 1. Be responsible for all aspects of the carpet replacement and work whether it is stated in the IFB, attachments or herein. 2. Move furniture and bookcases and return the same to their original location(s). 3. Take up and dispose of existing carpet. 4. All work to take place during normal business hours. 5. Investigate flooring leading to staff work room and the Anacostia Library's manager's office. 6. Inspect and note carpet at entrance of library. 7. Prep floor for carpet installation after removal of existing carpet. 8. During the carpet installation period the Anacostia Library will remain open to the public and the Contractor will have full use and access to the areas where the work is to take place. However, should particular areas need to be shut down, this should be coordinated with the Project Manager ("PM") listed in G.8.2. 9. Take reasonable precautions to protect adjacent property, furniture, books and materials from damage while performing the work. The Contractor, at no additional cost to DCPL shall restore any damage caused by the Contractor in the course of this work. 10. Obtain any permits that may be required for this work. 11. Perform building walk-throughs with the DCPL Program Manager ("PM") upon completion of the carpet removal, replacement and installation. At the discretion of the Program Manager, walk-throughs may occur in phases or at the completion of IFB requirements. 12. DCPL will not provide parking, storage, or a dumpster for the job. 13. Be solely responsible for securing any needed permits for this work.




Public - State/Provincial

LEED Certification, Renovation




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February 29, 2024

April 1, 2024


1800 Good Hope Rd SE, Washington, DC

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Carpet Installation at the Anacostia Library

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