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Published February 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Nelson, British Columbia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Ministry Responsibility BC Timber Sales (BCTS) manages about 20 percent of the province's allowable annual cut for Crown/public timber, generating economic prosperity for British Columbians through the safe, sustainable development and auction of public timber. Data from our operations are used to help determine the market value of the timber harvested from public land and ensures British Columbians receive fair value from their timber resources. BCTS supports government's commitment to true, lasting reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in British Columbia; this includes the implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (Declaration Act) and the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CTA). In addition to auctioning timber sales licences, BCTS builds and maintains Forest Service Roads and reforests harvested areas. Our activities generate economic prosperity for all British Columbians and directly contribute over $150 million to rural economies each year. Background Regeneration surveys (single and layered), and free growing surveys (single and layered) within the Arrow North TSA, approximately 950ha. See Appendix 1 - 2023 Survey Blocks for individual survey areas. All Free Growing Declarations are to be signed and sealed by a Registered Forest Professional. Declarations will be completed on a Standard Unit basis. Populate LRM with survey results and successfully submit xml's into RESULTS. Known Field Safety Hazards on this Contract Ministry staff and contractors, in the course of planning and developing this project, have identified the following known field safety hazards associated with this project. Note this list does not identify routine safety hazards associated with forestry operations: o Danger trees may be present within and or adjacent to treatment areas o Rolling rock o Water bars and or cross ditches on roads accessing treatment areas o Industrial and public traffic on roads o Probable wet and slippery conditions o Some treatment areas may have steep slopes >35% o Additional information will be provided at time of contract pre-work Scope Contractor Safety Program and Prime Contractor Responsibilities The Successful Bidder will be designated the Prime Contractor for this contract and must bid accordingly and meet the bidder eligibility stated in the Conditions of Tender. The successful Contractor must plan to maintain and implement a program of systems or processes (a safety program) that will address occupational health and safety concerns and practices that will eliminate or minimize risk of injuries. The Province may ask to examine the safety program and ask for evidence to support the implementation of same as part of the contract administration. Bidders must be aware of the Safety Conditions Schedule and the Prime Contractor Agreement attached to the contract agreement Enquiries Deadline(yyyy-MM-dd)Questions related to this opportunity should be submitted to the Official Contact before this requested cut off date and time. Questions received after this date and time may not be answered. Format yyyy-mm-dd 2023-02-28 12:00:00 PM


Conservation and Development

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Nelson, BC

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