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Published February 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Honolulu, Hawaii. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Maalaea Small Boat Harbor is located on the West coast of Maui, approximately 7 miles South of Kahului and 16 miles Southeast of Lahaina. There are 99 berths and moorings in the harbor. The Ferry System & Utility and Pier projects have replaced most of the landside infrastructure, including the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant, three (3) sewage lift stations, gravity and force main sewer lines, the installation of vessel sewage pumpouts throughout the harbor, and construction of a new comfort station and harbor office. The influent wastewater includes high levels of chlorides up to 1,800 mg/L. Influent also includes marine vessel sewage treatment chemicals. Flow rates vary dramatically throughout the year ranging from several hundred gallons per day (GPD) up to 15,000 GPD. Care must be taken to ensure that proper conditions are maintained throughout the treatment plant during varying flow conditions. Furnish and pay for all materials, tools, equipment, labor and other incidental work necessary for the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant and sewage lift stations at Maalaea Small Boat Harbor, as required or called for in this Proposal, all according to the true intent and meaning of the Notice to Bidders, Information and Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Scope of Work, Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Interim General Conditions, and any and all addenda related to this solicitation. All interested bidders shall download, completely fill out, and upload the bid on the attached Proposal Form with all other required documents on the date and time offers are due. Any bids not submitted on the attached Proposal Form with all other required documents will not be accepted. Direct all questions regarding this Solicitation, and any questions or Issues relating to the accessibility of this Solicitation (Including the appendices and exhibits to this Document, and any other document related to this Solicitation), to: McCall, Finn. The Department of Land and Natural Resources Interim General Conditions dated October 1994, as amended and the General Conditions AG-008 latest revision shall be made a part of the specifications. Electronic copies of the General Conditions AG-008 is available on the State Procurement Office website. The purpose of this Request for Quotations (RFQ) is to award to a Contractor work that shall generally consist of the operation and maintenance of the Maalaea Small Boat Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant and three (3) sewage lift stations, as required or called for in this Proposal, Specifications, Operation & Maintenance Manuals, and Scope of Work. Due to the nature of services required, bidders must possess a certified State Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators license, Grade 2 or 3. Prospective Bidders are strongly recommended to visit the project site prior to submitting their bid. Special arrangements shall be made by calling Mr. Kapono Alana at (808) 243-5823. Whenever the contract that the Contractor is to perform work or furnish materials of any kind for which no price is fixed in the contract, it shall be understood that the Contractor shall perform such work or furnish said materials without extra charge or allowance or direct payment of any sort. The cost of performing such work or furnishing said material is to be included by the Contractor in a unit price for the appropriate item unless it is expressly specified that such work or material is to be paid for as extra work. The Contractor shall provide, install and maintain in satisfactory condition all necessary protective facilities and shall take all necessary precautions for the protection and safety of its workers in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the State of Hawaii. The Engineer shall have the right to suspend the performance of the work in accordance with sub-section 7.20 - Suspension of Work of the General Conditions. The operator shall be required to perform the following inspections, service, and record all activity on an operator's log on a daily basis: Influent Screen o Check for large obstructions, remove as necessary. o Check system for proper on/off operation. Fine screen o Check for obstructions, remove as necessary. o Check system for proper on/off operation. Grit Classifier o Check for obstructions, remove as necessary. o Check system for proper on/off operation. Pumps in EQ and aerobic chambers o Check for proper on/off operation. Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) o Check permeate pumps for proper on/off operation. o Verify backwash sequence is operating as programmed (check log on PLC as necessary). Addition of Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash) o The operator shall add sodium carbonate as necessary to maintain proper pH levels within the treatment plan. Estimate the addition of 50 lbs per month. Operator's Log o A log shall be kept showing all dates and times inspection and maintenance work are performed including a description of all activities performed. o The Operator's Log shall be submitted to the Engineer at the end of every month. o The operator shall be required to remove/pump at least one (1) pump truck load (minimum 3000-gallon capacity) of sludge per month. A unit price shall be provided should additional pumping be required. Additional pumping shall not be done without DOBOR prior approval. o The operator shall be required to deliver a minimum of two (2) pump truck load (minimum 3,000-gallon capacity) of untreated wastewater from a nearby County of Maui or privately operated DOH-approved wastewater treatment facility and fed into the Maalaea wastewater treatment plant during low flow times of the year. A unit price shall be provided should additional delivery of wastewater be required. Sewage pumped from septic tanks, cesspools, or other individual domestic wastewater treatment facilities is not acceptable. Additional delivery of untreated wastewater shall not be done without DOBOR approval. o Any parts or repairs, which are deemed necessary by DOBOR and determined not to be routine maintenance will be paid under the allowance item for: "Repair service for wastewater treatment plant and sewage lift stations not considered as routine maintenance, including labor, tools, equipment, parts, chemicals and incidentals." The vendor shall provide a proposal prior to any non-routine service work and if an emergency, provide receipts and payroll data for those costs.


Water / Sewer

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Multiple Locations, Honolulu, HI

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