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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Medford, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Medford Housing Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from qualified contractors for a multi-year service contract to clean vacant apartments at (8) eight public housing developments in the City of Medford, MA. Documents prepared by the Medford Housing Authority and in accordance with MGL Chapter 30B. Award of contract will be to the responsible and responsive vendor who offers the best price. The total estimated contract cost shall not exceed $150,000.00 for the base contract term of (3) years. Bids are subject to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49 26 to 27H inclusive and federal wage rates established by the Davis Bacon Wage Act and the Secretary of Labor, under the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended. This IFB is subject to the provisions of MGL c.30B sec.5. and to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 and the Medford Housing Authority is an equal opportunity employer. Section 3 Business Concerns are encouraged to respond to the IFB. Questions must be sent in writing to Gabriel Ciccariello at no later than the close of business on Monday, February 20, 2023. The Medford Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, whole or in part, to waive formalities or irregularities in the bids, and make awards deemed in the best interest of the MHA and the public.




Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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