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Published March 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Onamia, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

HOME OCCUPANTS WILL BE MOVED OUT OF THE HOME FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 30 CALENDAR DAYS. This may be adjusted with General Contractor as scope of work is finalized. Include .05% TERO fee in proposal. Include a contingency allowance of $5,000.00 in the Project Total. Add to total Base Proposal amount. Upstairs bathroom: 1 - Remove and replace all sub-floor and remove all existing flooring including the base and all trim. Dispose of properly. 2 - Provide and install new sub-floor and provide / install new Congoleum Air Step Plus Vinyl Sheet Flooring. 3 - Remove and replace Shower and Sink Faucets, shower head and all damaged supply, vent or drain line piping in this bathroom. 4 - Remove damaged drywall and provide/install new drywall. Repair damaged drywall surfaces and the ceiling, scrape clean and re-spray with texture. 5 - Provide all materials and painting labor for the entire bathroom including all walls and ceiling. 6 - Remove old ceiling exhaust fan and provide and install a new ceiling exhaust fan. 7 - Remove and dispose of all construction related debris and demo materials. 8 - Remove all existing switches and devices. Provide and replace with new. 9 - Provide and install all new specialty items; toilet paper holder, hand towel rack, etc... Laundry utility area: 1 - Demo the laundry sink and all faucets, drain lines and shut off valves servicing this sink and laundry area. Disconnect the water heater and move out of way for wall demo and repairs. Reconnect water heater in same location. 2 - Provide and install new washer and dryer and all related water supply, drains and venting complete. 3 - Remove the water damaged, sheetrock walls and all insulation at this area. Primer and paint the new sheetrock walls white. 4 - Provide and install new insulation as required subsequent the demo and repairs. 5 - Provide and install a new utility room / laundry sink with all new faucets, drain lines, complete. Lower level bathroom: (complete replacement of entire bathroom) 1 - Demo the entire bathroom and dispose of properly. This includes toilet, vanity and sink, faucets, flooring, underlayment, sheetrock walls and ceiling, lights, electrical devices and switches, bathtub and all related plumbing, shower enclosure, tub, mirror and any other items in bathroom including spec book specialty items. Demo and throw all items. Include all disposal and removal costs. 2 - Re-build the entire lower level bathroom area and provide and install all new bathroom items. Include all framing materials as may be necessary to remove as part of demo, wall insulation, sheetrock ceilings and walls, repairs, tape mud and sand for paint, and labor. Include new tub and shower. Provide and install a 100% functioning bathroom in the lower level that meets code. Include bath fan replacement Panasonic FV-05-11VKSL2, vented to exterior. Include condensation module FV-CSVK1. ALTERNATE #1 (Lower level bedrooms) 1 - Two (2) LOWER LEVEL BEDROOMS. (PROVIDE SEPARATE PRICING FOR THESE LOWER LEVEL BEDROOMS.) a- Repair the walls and ceilings. b- Paint the walls and ceilings. c- Demo and replace flooring in both bedrooms with spec sheet vinyl, to include supply and spec underlayment with floor leveling materials. Supply and install all new base in both bedrooms. d- Repair the window frames and window trim. e- Replace any damaged outlets and or switches. f- Replace all lighting. Interested bidders shall contact Jim Carpenter, Project Coordinator, at 320-364-9865 (cell) or at james.carpenter@millelacsband.com to be included on the bidder's list in the event that any addendums are issued for this project. Mobilization: The Contractor shall be capable of mobilizing his equipment and crews within seven days of the receipt of Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall provide means and methods for all building phases of construction. Community Development/project Management Reserves the Right to Reject Any and All Bids for Any Reason.


Residential Subdivision


Public - Federal


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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March 8, 2023

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44818 Wiigob Ct, Onamia, MN

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