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Published March 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Westport, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Relocatable Classrooms - Long Lots School Inquiries should be addressed to Mr. Ted Hunyadi, Thunyadi@westportps.org, who will be the Town Representative for the project. Tel: (203) 341-1271. Any sizes or Estimate of Quantities as shown on the attached sheets and/or drawings are approximate and are not guaranteed in any respect. Prospective Bidders are to visit the site to verify scope of the work, measurements, quantities, etc. prior to bidding. The Board of Education reserves the right at all times to increase or decrease the amount of work if deemed in the best interest of the Westport Board of Education. B. For relocatable classrooms bidder's price is to include all labor, materials, permits, etc. required to properly manufacture and install the classrooms, including but not limited to the following: 1. All plans, drawings, and specifications as required for permits, approvals, and construction. 2. Local agency's approvals of drawings and specifications prior to construction and installation. 3. Delivery to site. 4. Site & pier layout. 5. Reinforced concrete foundations. Block and level system will be accepted as an alternate. 6. Modular interconnections and finishing. 7. All interior work and finishes. 8. Finish building skirting; including adequate ventilation. 9. Entry steps, ramps and railings. Prefabricated aluminum stairs and ramps will be accepted as an alternate. 10. Final grading and paving of areas specified. 11. Site clean-up. 12. Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning. 13. All electrical work and circuit breaker panels. 14. Heat and/or smoke detectors connectable to the existing building detection system 15. No plumbing is required as part of this contract. 16. All ceilings, walls, floors, and exterior finishes. 17. Conduits and empty junction boxes for data, telephone, card reader and PA system. 18. Final grading and seeding of site.




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13 Hyde Ln, Westport, CT

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