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Published August 10, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Laurel, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The District of Columbia Department of General Services (the "District", "Department" or "DGS"), is issuing this Invitation for Bids ("IFB" or "Solicitation") to engage a highly qualified contractor (the "Contractor") to provide all labor, materials, and equipment to complete the construction of the Roof Replacement and Upgrades at DYRS New Beginnings Buildings A, B, and C (the "Project") in accordance with this IFB, including, but not limited to, Section C of this IFB, the Contract Drawings and Specifications (Attachment J.1), the DGS Standard Contract Provisions for Construction Contracts (Attachment J.3), and other associated attachments of this IFB. This will be Lump Sum Price type contract. Bidders will be required to provide a Lump Sum Price to complete the Project, including, but not limited to, profit, home and field office overhead, supervision, labor, materials, equipment, bonds, insurance and other services that may be required to obtain the necessary permits, and construct the work and complete the Project. The Lump Sum Price shall also include items that are not specifically identified on the Drawings and Specifications, but which are reasonably inferable therefrom. The Department contemplates the award of a Lump Sum Price contract to one contractor (the "Contract"); therefore, the Contract resulting from this IFB will be made to the lowest evaluated bidder who is responsive and responsible. The Contractor will be required to complete the construction of the Roof Replacement and Upgrades at the DYRS New Beginnings Buildings A, B, and C in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications, attached hereto as Attachment J.1. To the extent there is an inconsistency between the Drawings and the Specifications, the Contractor shall be required to provide the more expensive requirement. Prior to submitting its bid, each Bidder shall carefully review the Drawings and Specifications and shall bring any inconsistency or error in the Drawings and Specifications to the attention of the Department in writing. To the extent that a competent Contractor could have identified any such inconsistency or error, such inconsistency or error shall not serve as the basis for a Change Order and the Contractor shall assume the risk of such inconsistency or error. The Contractor shall comply with all the regulation and code requirements that are applicable and as specified to District building construction. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to review all existing documents and conduct site visits to ascertain existing conditions. This solicitation is designated only for certified Small Business Enterprise ("SBE") contractors under the provisions of the "Small and Certified Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2014", D.C. Official Code 2-218.01 et seq., as amended. ONLY Contractors that are certified by the District of Columbia Department of Small and Local Business Development ("DSLBD") as a SBE are eligible.




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8400 River Rd, Laurel, MD

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