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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Flaherty Park Baseball Field No. 2 Renovation and Upgrades. The Town of Wake Forest reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to make the award as deemed in the best interest of the Town of Wake Forest. Any questions regarding this bid must be submitted by email to the Project Coordinator. All questions must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday January 9, 2024. All questions will be answered individually and then combined and posted in an Addenda. Flaherty Park Baseball Field No. 2 Renovation and Upgrades consists of the construction of improvements to the existing baseball field and surrounding areas. Specifically, the project consists of the following major work elements as detailed on the construction plans: Demolition of the existing stairs leading up to the field, concrete walkways, bleachers, dugouts, backstop and a portion of the perimeter baseball field fencing. Demolition of a portion of the existing irrigation system that will be impacted by the improvements. Construction of new stairs and walkways leading up to the field, gated entry, concrete walkways, shaded seating areas, dugouts, bullpens, irrigation system modifications, tension netting backstop with decorative knee wall, baseball field fencing, decorative fencing around the perimeter of the site, minor electrical improvements and landscape improvements. Grading and permanent stabilization of the surrounding areas. Erosion and sediment control during construction. The above scope of work outlines the general items and shall not be construed as being all inclusive. Note that all references to Measurement and Payment in the Town of Wake Forest Standard Specifications (sections 02200, 02210 and 02400) are deleted as these elements will not be measured for payment. All costs for the entire scope of work for the project shall be included in the lump sum bid.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work





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1226 N White St, Wake Forest, NC

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