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Published March 29, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Salisbury, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Comprehensive and Extensive HVAC Service. All Minority Business Enterprise are encouraged to respond to this solicitation. This is for Small Business Reserve vendors only. The Project Cost Classification for this solicitation is: Small Procurement Category III, under $100,000 Minority Business Enterprises are encouraged to respond to this Solicitation. The following bonds are required if the Contract Amount, including Unit Prices, Allowances and Alternates as applicable, is in excess of $100,000.00 1) Bid Bond in the amount of 5% 2) Payment and Performance Bonds in the amount of 100% The work shall be completed within _90_ calendar days from the start date of the contract. If the work is not completed within the time period specified, the contractor will be liable for liquated damages of $250.00 per calendar day as specified in the "General Conditions". The deadline for questions has been established as Friday February 24, 2023, at 10:00 AM, to assure that there is enough time to allow the A/E to provide responses and Addendum issuance if necessary. Please submit all questions to the Procurement Officer: James Alston - james.alston1@maryland.gov and Supervisor Christine Stenhouse - christine.stenhouse1@maryland.gov. Work of the Project includes as follows below. 1. Remove existing exhaust ductwork associated with all soiled rooms for the 1st, 2nd and third floor areas shown on the contract documents. 2. Provide exhaust fans and associated exhaust ductwork routed to new exterior wall mounted louver in soiled rooms for the 1st, 2nd and third floor areas shown on the contract documents. 3. Provide and install cooling only supply air variable air volume terminal units, associated ductwork and air devices to serve the 1st, 2nd and third floor solid and clean rooms as shown on the contract documents. 4. Remove existing supply air, return air ductwork and associated air devices and install new on the second floor laboratory areas noted on the contract drawings. 5. Extend supply air ductwork and provide new supply air devices on the second floor sterile and non sterile areas noted on the contract drawings, 6. Relocate existing sprinkler piping as required for execution of HVAC work as noted on the contract documents. 7. Remove and re-install existing ceilings as shown on the architectural drawings for execution of HVAC work. 8. Remove existing window in soiled rooms and install new louver and windows as shown on the architectural drawings. Agency is required to spend a minimum of 15% of procurement dollars with certified small businesses through the SBR program. Agency's goal is to award a minimum of 29% of total contract dollars to certified Minority Business Enterprises. o Agency's goal is to award a minimum of 1% of total contract dollars to certified veteran-owned small businesses

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March 24, 2023

April 10, 2023


351 Deers Head Hospital Rd, Salisbury, MD

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