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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bessemer, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Project awarded to : "Sherwin Industries, Inc." "H.G. Meigs LLC" "Winter Equipment Company" "Tenet (ASDCO)" Bids are to be submitted in a sealed envelope and plainly marked on the outside of the envelope which item is being bid. The Board will accept a fax bid at (906) 663-4807, provided it is followed by receipt of the original signed bid by mail. The Board reserves the right to reject or accept any bid or all bids or to waive irregularities and to accept any bid that, in the opinion of the Board, is to the best interest and advantage of the County of Gogebic. Delivery date of the material must be stated on the bid. Bidder shall supply specifications of bid items at time of bid opening. All bid applications shall be submitted on Gogebic County Road Commission forms and must bear the bidder's name and "Bid for Blades" plainly marked on the outside of the envelope. The Board will accept a faxed bid at (906) 663-4807, provided it is followed by receipt of the original signed bid by mail. 400 pcs................7/8"x8"x72" Grader Blade; Surface Hardened; STD Hwy Pattern Punched, 5/8" Bolt 100 pcs...............7/8"x8"x84" Grader Blade; Surface Hardened; STD Hwy Pattern Punched, 5/8" Bolt 60 pcs..................7/8"x5"x36" Top Beveled Wing Blade; Heavy Duty Carbide Inserted and Armored Steel Layer Welded on Surface; STD Hwy Pattern Punched, 5/8" Bolt 200 pcs...............7/8"x5"x48" Top Beveled Wing Blade; Heavy Duty Carbide Inserted and Armored Steel Layer Welded on Surface; STD Hwy Pattern Punched, 5/8" Bolt 40 pcs..................5" Moldboard Shoes; 12" Hole Punched for Use on Front Plows and Wings; Approx 65 Angle from the Ground for Use with Carbide Cutting Edge, 5/8" Bolt 20 pcs...............8" Moldboard Shoes; 12" Hole Punched for Use on Wings; Approx 80Attach Angle from the Ground for Use with Carbide Cutting Edge, 5/8" Bolt 80 pcs................12" Mushroom Plow Shoes with 3 holes; 5/8" Bolt 50 PCS................8"X14"X1.5" Plow Shoes; 5/8 Bolt. The Gogebic County Road Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities and or informalities and to make an award as may appear to them to be in the best interest of the Gogebic County Road Commission. We the undersigned hereby agree to furnish the described material in accordance with the enclosed specifications for the unit price of which includes delivery to the Road Commission's Ramsey Garage Facility. Estimated Quantity: 20,000 Gallons, in 4,000 to 5,000 Gallon increments throughout 2023 construction season. Fax: (906) 663-4807 Questions call: Mark Selin at (906) 663-4820. The intent of these specifications is to describe a crack sealing material in sufficient detail to secure bids on comparable products. All specifications not specifically mentioned which are necessary to provide a complete cold weather crack sealer shall be included in the bid and shall conform in strength, quality of material and performance to meet the industry standards. The material shall be a single component, hot-applied petroleumbased product which is used to seal and fill cracks or joints in both asphalt and Portland cement concrete pavements in cold climates. It shall be supplied in a solid form which when melted and properly applied forms a highly adhesive and flexible compound that resists cracking in the winter and is resistant to flow at summer temperatures. The material bid described shall be a crack sealer that is the manufacturer's latest product line and production and must meet or exceed all AASHTO and ASTM standards as specified below. MSDS shall be provided. For the following bid specification sheets, use the column marked compliance to indicate compliance with the specifications. Write "yes" in the blank if the product is in compliance. If not, so indicate and provide actual or attach detailed manufacturer's specifications for the substitute material/specification. If not applicable, so indicate by writing "NA" in the blank and provide necessary comments. Bidder must fill in compliance and cost for each line item or option. Questions asked of the bidder for a particular specification shall be answered on the line provided. We the undersigned hereby agree to furnish the described material and equipment in accordance with the enclosed specifications for the unit price of which includes delivery to the Road Commission's Bessemer Facility based on a quantity of 30 pallets or approximately 75,000.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 24, 2023

March 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, Bessemer, MI

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