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Published April 2, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Yuma, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

As of March 30 the project is set to be awarded on next Council meeting which will be April 3, 2023. Yuma County is accepting proposals for furnishing all material, equipment, labor, professional services, permits and fees necessary to complete the referenced project. Selected contractor will remove and return to Yuma County Facilities Management for disposal six (6) rooftop-mounted package AC units, and provide and install six (6) new rooftop AC units as follows: three (1) 25-ton, three (3) 35-ton, and two (2) 50-ton unit with economizer and power exhaust. Units are to either be heat pumps, or come equipped with electric heat strips. Contractor to provide/install curb adaptors as necessary. Convenience outlets and non-fused disconnects to be provided at each unit. Contractor to make all necessary electrical connections (460 volt/3 phase) to each unit. Contractor shall provide temporary thermostats, programmed to customer's requirements, until building controls system (separate project) is completed. Units shall come with five (5) year factory warranty, and selected contractor shall provide two (2) year warranty on labor and materials. Contractor shall schedule installation such that only one unit is replaced at a time, to minimize disruptions to facility. Work area to be returned to normal operations/condition (as approved by County representative) prior to continuing to next unit being replaced. Contractor may be asked to schedule downtime during facility operations off-hours (early AM or late PM). Contractor to coordinate installation schedule with County HVAC and Fire/Security staff, to ensure HVAC controls and fire alarm system are placed in Standby mode as necessary. Third-party TestAnd-Balance (TAB) report is to be provided by contractor at completion of project. All equipment and systems are to be properly labeled per County standards. Existing control devices are Carrier Comfort Network-brand, which are incompatible with County HVAC controls system (Automated Logic). Therefore, the County would prefer and request eligible contractors provide Automatic Logic or similar performance controls devices, which meet the specified County's warranty requirements and are compatible with our current HVAC Control systems (Automated Logic). Library District Board of Directors, Yuma, Arizona, is accepting proposals for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, professional services, permits, fees, and taxes necessary to complete the referenced project: Project Number #22106, "Main Library - Rooftop AC Unit Replacement" and making the necessary modifications as described in the scope of work. Any agreement that may result from this RFP must provide for the complete design and construction of the project on a "turn-key" basis. The term "turn-key" is intended to express the Owner's wish to receive pricing and a finished product that comprehensively includes all project costs and services. All proposals will be opened and reviewed immediately after the closing. Any proposal received after that time will not be opened or considered and will be returned to the proposer. All submittals shall be clearly marked "Main Library - Rooftop AC Unit Replacement Project, #22106" on the outside of all packaging material. Award will be made to the most responsible proposer submitting the overall best proposal, inclusive of alternates, if any, selected at the County's discretion. Should you have any questions regarding this project please address them to Danny Marron, Library District Maintenance Supervisor, via e-mail Danny.Marron@yumalibrary.org and please make sure to reference the project number. Each proposal shall be in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, and shall be set forth and submitted on the PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS included with the project specifications book. The PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS may be removed from the project specifications book and submitted independently of such book. All nonresponsive proposals will be returned to the submitter. Each proposal shall be in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents, and shall be set forth and submitted on the PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS included with the project specifications book. The PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS may be removed from the project specifications book and submitted independently of such book. All nonresponsive proposals will be returned to the submitter. Yuma County is not responsible for Proposal or proposal information obtained from entities other than Yuma County. The Proposer is responsible for obtaining correct and complete Proposal or proposal documents. Yuma County reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or waive any informality in a Proposal. No submitter may withdraw his Proposal for a period of fifty (50) days after opening and reading of the Proposals. Yuma County is an equal opportunity employer and minority business enterprises and women's business enterprises are encouraged to submit Proposals. The proposal guarantee shall guarantee that the Proposer, if awarded the contract, will, within ten (10) working days after the award, execute such contract in accordance with the proposal and in manner and form required by the contract documents, and will furnish good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of the same, a payment bond and a certificate of insurance. The Proposal securities of the three (3) lowest Submitters will be retained until the contract is awarded, or other disposition made thereof at which point all but the selected Submitter's securities will be returned. The Proposal securities of all Submitters, except the three (3) lowest, will be returned promptly after the canvass of Proposals. In the event the Contractor fails, within ten (10) working days after the award, to execute said Contract and deliver the Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds and the Certificate of Insurance, the Proposal Security shall become the property of the County. The Contractor shall execute and return the contract, along with the required Certificate of Insurance and Bonds, within ten (10) calendar days after the date of Notice of Award by the County. The form of contract, which the successful Proposer as Contractor will be required to execute, and the forms of bonds and insurance form which he will be required to furnish, are included in the contract documents and should be carefully examined by the Proposer. The successful Proposer shall use the forms provided or such other forms as are acceptable by the County. The contract, bonds and insurance form will be executed in four (4) original counterparts. "All bonds shall be issued by companies licensed with the Arizona Department of Insurance and authorized to issue such bonds in this state. NO BONDS ISSUED BY INDIVIDUAL SURETIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. The company issuing any bond shall have a rating of not less than A- and no less than category VIII per the A.M. BEST rating available at the time this project was let to Proposal. Submitters, contractors, and other interested parties are invited to attend this conference which will be conducted by the Owner and Owner's Representative to answer any questions. In accordance with the Uniform Standard Specifications, all work including labor and material shall be guaranteed against defective workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of acceptance. In the event a defect develops within the warranty period, contractor is required to initiate repairs within two (2) days of receipt of written notice. Existing mechanical, electrical and roof plans for this site are available, but with limited detail. Selected contractor will be responsible for dust/noise control, removal of debris and runoff. Selected contractor will be responsible for barricades, if needed. Selected contractor will be responsible to submit shop drawings to Yuma County Library Free Library District for prior approval and before proceeding with AHJ, if permit is needed. The selected contractor is responsible for any specialty or professional services that are needed or required to complete this project. The selected contractor will be responsible for all applicable permit(s) and special inspection(s); if needed or required. The Owner's Representative reserves the right to suspend the work wholly or in part if deemed necessary for the best interest of the County. This suspension will be without compensation to the Contractor, other than to adjust the contract time. This contract dated as of Contract Date, is by and between Yuma County Library District, a political subdivision of the State of Arizona, hereinafter referred as the Library, and Company Name, of Location, hereinafter referred as the Contractor. The Contractor has covenanted, and agreed, for and in consideration of the payments made as provided for in the proposal and specifications, to the Contractor by the County, at its proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all materials, tools, labor, and all appliances and appurtenances called for by the contract, free from all claims, liens and charges whatsoever, in the manner, and under the conditions hereinafter specified, that are necessary for the Project Number and Project Name, in accordance with the dollar amount of Bid Amount, for said service. Work to be performed in accordance with your scope of work dated Bid Date. All work must adhere to the terms and conditions of this contract and all other documents associated with this solicitation. The work done and materials and equipment furnished shall be strictly pursuant to and in conformity with the specifications. Any requirements appearing in one portion of the documentation, but not in others, shall be executed according to the true intent and meaning of the said specifications the same as though they were contained and described in all portions of the documentation, and applicable industry standards shall apply. The Contractor shall provide all necessary personnel and labor, and such personnel shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with the Library or Yuma County. All personnel engaged in work under this contract shall be fully qualified and shall be authorized or permitted under state and local law to perform such services. It is further agreed that Contractor shall obey all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations which are applicable to provisions of the services called herein. Neither Contractor nor any employee of the Contractor shall be deemed an officer, employee or agent of the Library or Yuma County. It is further agreed that all work shall be inspected by the Library, or its properly authorized agents, and accepted or rejected as meeting Library requirements and specifications. The Library shall have full power to reject or condemn all materials furnished or work performed under this contract which does not conform to the terms and conditions herein expressed.

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