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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Middletown, Delaware. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

This item shall govern the Quality Assurance Testing for supplying bituminous asphalt plant materials and constructing bituminous asphalt pavements and the calculation for incentives and disincentives for materials and construction. The Engineer will evaluate all materials and construction for acceptance. The procedures for acceptance are described in this Section. Include the costs for all materials, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to meet the requirements of this specification in the bid price per ton for the bituminous asphalt. Payment to the Contractor for the bituminous asphalt item(s) will be based on the Contract price per ton and the pay adjustments described in this specification. Work to include Pedestrian Access Route and Sidewalk improvement at various "to be determined" locations in New Castle County. Work intended to occur outside of municipal jurisdictions. Individual locations will vary in their context and complexity from construction of new sidewalk on virgin ground to reconstruction of existing, non-compliant pedestrian connections. Follow other incidental construction in accordance with the location, notes and details shown on the plans, and as directed by the Engineer. LOCATION: New Castle County These improvements are more specifically shown on the Location Map(s) of the attached Plans. COMPLETION TIME: All work on this contract must be complete within 365 Calendar Days. Extensions of contract time due to weather are specified in the Standard Specifications Section 108.7F, weather days. It is estimated a Notice to Proceed is issued such that work starts on or about May 16, 2023. QUESTIONS: E-MAIL TO; Questions regarding this project are to be e-mailed to the above address no less than six business days prior to the bid opening date in order to receive a posted response. Please include the Contract number in the subject line. Each proposal must be accompanied by a deposit of either surety bond or security for a sum equal to at least 10% of the amount bid. DelDot - Open End - Pedestrian Access Routes and Sidewalk Improvements, NCC FY23-FY26 Question Deadline 03/06/2023


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work




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March 14, 2023

May 16, 2023


Multiple Locations, Middletown, DE

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