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Published March 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Durham, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Direct questions and concerns to the Project Manager: Alex Johnson, Senior Operations Manager General Services Department City of Durham 2011 Fay Street Durham, NC 27704 Phone: 919-560-4197, ext. 21275 Email: Alexander.Johnson@durhamnc.gov If you have concerns about this RFP that you believe are not being addressed by the Project Manager, please contact: Kevin Lilley, Assistant Director General Services Department City of Durham 2011 Fay Street Durham, NC 27704 Phone: 919-560-4197, ext. 21227 Email: Kevin.Lilley@durhamnc.gov The purpose of this project is to provide maintenance in and along specific Rights-of-way. Typical maintenance cycles for roadway sections will be limited to mowing, string trimming/Herbicide treatment, edging, and litter and debris removal. It is the policy of the City to provide equal opportunities for City contracting for underutilized firms owned by minorities and women doing business in the City's Contracting Marketplace. It is further the policy of the City to prohibit discrimination against any firm in pursuit of these opportunities, to conduct its contracting activities so as to prevent such discrimination, to correct present effects of past discrimination and to resolve complaints of discrimination. This policy applies to all City contracting, including procurement services. In accordance with the Ordinance, all contractors are required to provide information requested in the "Equal Business Opportunity Program Procurement Forms" package included with this Request for Bids. Bids that do not contain the appropriate, completed forms will be deemed non-responsive and ineligible for consideration. For procurement services with UBE goals, the "UBE Participation" and "Statement of Intent to Perform as Subcontractor are required of all bidders. "Request to Change UBE Participation After Bid Opening" and the "Questionnaire on Bidder's Good Faith Efforts" documents are not required at this time. The MUBE goal is 7% and the WUBE goal is 5% on this bid. The Department of Finance - Underutilize Business Compliance is responsible for the Equal Business Opportunity Program. All questions about "Equal Business Opportunity Program Procurement Forms" should be referred to department staff at (919) 560-4180. The Contractor will be responsible for furnishing all licensing, equipment, materials, labor, and supervision that may be necessary to provide Right-of-way maintenance for three (3) consecutive years. The Contractor shall follow all applicable law in performing any maintenance pursuant to the contract. Sections 41 through and including 48 are part of the Scope of Work. Request for Proposal (RFP) for regular right-of-way maintenance including, but not limited to, mowing, string trimming, edging, herbicide application and litter and debris removal on City roadways, State roadways and NC highways located inside the city limits of Durham (collectively referred to as Rightsof-way or ROW). The initial term of this contract will be three (3) years. The City of Durham (City) may renew this contract for up to three additional one (1) year terms, for a potential total term of six (6) years.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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