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Published February 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Raleigh, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This is a multi-phased occupied renovation project for Dabney Hall (1969). The 139,549 gross square foot building houses classrooms, teaching labs, high-intensive chemistry research labs, offices, open labs, etc. The building systems are in need of replacement. The HVAC system is undersized, the majority of the building automation system components are outdated, the fire alarm system is not addressable, and most of the electrical and plumbing systems are original to the building. ADA accessibility compliance needs to be evaluated. The building envelope and structure need a full evaluation, including fall protection. The design team will evaluate all building systems and create a logistics plan for renovations to be implemented in phases. The project will evaluate the existing conditions, and programmatic needs for the building, and develop a phased approach to renovations. The project must meet LEED Silver requirements. Project budget is $60M. This includes construction, design, and miscellaneous project costs. The University seeks the professional service of a Building Envelope Commissioning Agent (BECxA) to join the team in the schematic design phase to provide services for the project through design, construction and post acceptance. Building Envelope Commissioning services shall be provided as defined by the latest State Construction Office manual, guidelines and checklists. Design Start - February 2023 Construction Start - March 2025 Completion - March 2027 Interested firms can participate in the process by submitting a current SF 330 form and addressing the following in a written proposal. Please note that only one copy of the proposal is requested. Most of the criteria listed below can be accommodated in sections A-G of the 330 form. Section H can be used for any additional information and should be limited to ten sheets of paper, both sides of the sheet may be used. Firms are requested to assure receipt of proposals at the email address listed below by 5:00pm February 3, 2023. 1. Experience and expertise in the project type being evaluated. 2. Past performance on similar projects 3. Experience in design projects to be part of an existing campus context. 4. Adequate staff and proposed consultant team - qualifications and examples of previous collaborations. 5. Historically Underutilized Business representation in proposed consultant team 6. Current workload and State projects awarded. 7. Proposed design approach or methodology. 8. Recent experience with project cost estimates and schedule adherence. 9. Construction administration capabilities. 10. Record of successfully completed projects without major legal or technical problems. 11. Other factors which may be appropriate to the project. In order that the selection process be as objective as possible, do not contact members of the Board of Trustees, or any university officials other than the project manager. All questions and project submittals are to be directed to: Laura Zaytoun, Project Manager NC State University, Design & Construction Phone 919-515-8049 llzaytou@ncsu.edu The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




Public - State/Provincial

LEED Certification, Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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March 3, 2025


2620 Yarbrough Dr, Raleigh, NC

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