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Published April 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Hudson, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and office development.

The Hudson School District invites vendors to submit a proposal to replace one (1) inclined wheelchair lift at SAU #81 Hudson School District, 20 Library Street, in Hudson NH. Questions regarding the Request for Proposal process must be made to Jennifer Burk, Business Administrator, at (603) 886-1258 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Questions concerning the specifications and site visits must be directed to John Pratte, Facilities Director, at (603) 883-7765 ext. 85018. The District reserves the right to waive any informality and to accept or reject any, all or part of submitted quotes. The successful bidder must be able to provide all services listed in the Scope of Services in this RFP. It is anticipated that the successful proposal will be awarded by the Hudson School Board at its regularly scheduled meeting on March 13, 2023. The bidder is responsible for installing one (1) inclined wheelchair lift. The successful bidder shall complete above stated project with the following specifications: Specifications: o Remove and dispose of existing inclined lift o Provide all labor and incidental materials necessary for the delivery, set-up, installation, adjusting, inspecting, testing, commissioning, and delivery of one complete lift system o Vendor must include warranty documentation o Lift specifications to be (or equivalent): Speed 6 m/min (20 ft/min) Standard Capacity 660 Lbs Power Fold Platform Automatic Power Barrier Arms Platform Size 31 1/2" x 35 3/8""Vandal-Stop" Side Guard Under-Platform Sensor Keyed Call Stations Pedestrian Handrail Integrated with LiftTubes Bi-directional Ramp Safeties Number of Stops (Three) Final Limit Switch Emergency Alarm (sounds at lift only) Drive Box Door Lock Platform Emergency Stop Paint/Color Epoxy Powder Paint - Color Satin Grey Emergency Lowering Device Pedestrian Safety Lights on platform Complete Installation/Test/Certification. All debris must be removed off school property by the successful bidder. RSA XII 155:66 Prohibits smoking on public educational facilities at any time. Proposal Presentation, Experience & Qualifications: CONSIDERATION will be given to Submitter demonstrating capabilities, experience, and reputation in undertaking similar projects to those described in this RFP, and providing complete and accurate documentation in response to all requirements of this RFP. A. Provide an overview of your firm's capabilities and experience in performing the scope of work outlined herein. B. Provide the location of your firm's office along with a description outlining your staffing capabilities and proposed plan in handling on-going project guarantee support and warranty issues. C. Provide proof of insurance outlining your coverage for worker's compensation, employer's liability, and comprehensive general liability. D. Provide at least three references for projects of similar nature completed within the last three years. A. Describe the process that will be used to complete the requirements of this RFP. The description must include the products to be used. B. Contractor shall provide a minimum of a one-year warranty on the work covering parts, materials, and workmanship. This will be provided in writing to the Hudson School District. All warranty repair work is to be provided at no charge to the Hudson School District.




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March 7, 2023

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20 Library St, Hudson, NH

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