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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in St George, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Washington County Water Conservancy District (DISTRICT) is accepting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms who desire to provide engineering services to the DISTRICT. This is a general announcement and not related to any project. There is no deadline date. Potential Engineering Services Needs The DISTRICT routinely requires study, survey, design, and construction management services related to the following: o master plans o water resource plans o impact fee facility plans and analysis o environmental compliance o right-of-way acquisition o geotechnical services o materials testing o pipelines o pump stations o groundwater development o well construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation o concrete and steel tanks o concrete and steel structure coatings o water treatment plant construction, process improvement, maintenance, and repair o water quality o Safe Drinking Water Act compliance o secondary irrigation water systems o hydroelectric power generation o dam construction, maintenance, and repair o wastewater treatment systems o electrical, instrumentation, and SCADA/telemetry systems o corrosion control o structural and seismic engineering o architecture o landscape architecture o water rates o water rights, and o other similar services Submission The SOQ shall contain the following: 1) Name of firm, location of all offices, and location of principal office serving the DISTRICT. 2) Age of firm, average number of employees over the past five years in the principal office serving the DISTRICT. 3) Education, training, qualifications and availability of key employees of the firm, specifically those in the principal office serving the DISTRICT. 4) Experience, special technical capabilities and expertise of the firm, and available equipment necessary or useful in pertinent types of professional work 5) References from at least five clients and previous projects, including two from the preceding year. 6) Any other relevant information. Confidentiality The DISTRICT is a public agency and as such is required by law to disclose offer amounts and other public information upon request. Contact Information Direct any questions in writing to: Randy Johnson Project Manager (435) 673-3617


Conservation and Development

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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March 4, 2024


Multiple Locations, St George, UT

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