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Published March 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chalfont, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Bids received by any other means, or after such date and time will be returned unopened to the bidder. Each bid must be made in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, and signed by a person authorized to make the proposal and bid. Clarification deadline 2/22/2023 4:00 PM Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check, payable to the Borough of Chalfont in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. If by certified check, bidder shall scan and upload said check into the designated upload spot within PennBid, in lieu of the Bid Bond. The apparent low bidder(s) shall be required to provide the original of that same check to the Borough no later than 4:00 PM on Monday, March 6, 2023. Failure to do so will result in the bidder being deemed non-responsive, and that bid will not be considered. Bidders are requested to bid on the following including per unit pricing for the solid waste and recyclables collection and disposal/processing options below: Bid a three (3) year contract with an option for two (2) one-year extensions for collection and disposal of solid waste from June 1 through May 31, including: once a week collection of recyclable materials at curbside same day as trash; collection of one (1) bulky item per week, per unit collected with regular trash; and segregated collection of yard waste for recycling in Kraft bags provided by the municipality one (1) time in the spring and three (3) times in the fall. Provide for segregated curbside collection of Christmas Trees for recycling on a date in early January, to be advertised with the yard waste collection. The cost for this service should be included in the per unit fee. Residents will be permitted to dispose of non-segregated yard wastes with regular trash from the first full week in March through the end of November. Billing of contracted units will be the responsibility of the contractor. A senior citizen discount rate will be offered to all residents aged 62 and older as per section 2.18 of the Bid Specifications. Please note: Recycling collection will be once per week single stream recycling collected the same day as trash. Provide for the following at the Chalfont Borough Public Works Building, 500 North Main Street, Chalfont, PA: Provide and collect one (1) 8 cubic-yard dumpster (for municipal waste), not less than once per week Provide and collect one (1) 96-gallon recycling tote at the Public Works Building for recycling. A second 96-gallon container shall be provided by the contractor upon request. Provide and collect one (1) 8 cubic-yard dumpster for cardboard recycling, serviced twice per week, at the Borough Public Works Building. Provide and collect one (1) 15 cubic-yard dumpster at the Borough Public Works Building for street sweeping cinders. Cost of delivery and pick up (4 times per year) of dumpster to be included in the per unit fee. Provide and collect one (1) 30 cubic-yard dumpster at Chalfont Borough Hall twice a year, on agreed upon dates, for the purpose of collecting yard waste, including leaves and branches, to be recycled. All waste, recyclable materials and all yard waste shall be processed in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal regulatory requirements. Under the waste collection contract, the contractor will be responsible for providing a 96-gallon trash toter to all contracted units and maintain toters the duration of the contract and extension years. The contractor maintains ownership of the toters. The bid bond or certified check must be payable to the Borough of Chalfont in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid to guarantee that in the event the bid is accepted and the contract awarded to the bidder, the contract will be duly executed and a performance bond and insurance will be provided to the Borough. In the event the bidder is awarded the bid and fails to execute the contract and/or provide a performance bond and insurance as required, bidder agrees that the Borough of Chalfont shall retain/collect the 10% of the total bid under the bid bond as liquidated damages. Bidder agrees to sign all papers necessary to accomplish Chalfont Boroughs receipt of the bid bond monies in this circumstance. The contract, if awarded, will be awarded within 30 days following the date the bids are publicly opened and read. Once bids are opened, no bid may be withdrawn except in compliance with the Bid Withdrawal Act (73 P.S. of 1601 et seq.). The right is reserved by the Borough of Chalfont to waive any informality in a bid or to reject any and all bids when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Borough. Chalfont Borough solicits your bid in accordance with the previously mentioned documents and their terms and conditions contained herein attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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