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Site work and asbestos abatement for a mixed-use development in Boston, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility; and for asbestos abatement for a educational facility.

Lead Paint Abatement for three Boston Public Schools, Hernandez K-8 School, Lyndon K-8 School ,Hale Elementary School The estimated project amount is $700,000 Projected Start Date - July 3,2023. Completion- July 24, 2023 through this ifb, bps is inviting qualified ma licensed lead paint abatement contractors (contractor) to provide professional services during the administration of proiects that include, but are not limited to the following: lead paint abatement (removal of paint, plaster or other accessible structural material containing dangerous levels of lead or the replacement of the architectural fixture or element containing paint or other accessible structural material containing dangerous levels of lead) and or for classrooms and common area spaces with lead containing paint at three (3) bps school buildings (found in article 6.2 project completion terms). these proposed school buildings intend to establish before & after school programs with students under the age of six years old. as required by the ma 606 cmr 7.00: standards for the licensure or approval of family child care; small group and school age and large group and school age child care programs, bips is seeking to obtain evidence of a lead paint inspection and compliance with 105 cmr 460.000 inthe designated after school program areas at the above referenced schools. the comprehensive lead inspection reports for these school buildings are located in appendix i. all services rendered there this contract will adhere to the ma lead poisoning prevention and control (105 cmr 460.000), ma lead poisoning and control (clppp), ma dls 454 cmr 22.00: deleading and lead-safe renovation regulations, and all other applicable rules and regulations. Lead paint abatement - removal of paint, plaster or other accessible structural material containing dangerous levels of lead or the replacement of the architectural fixture or element containing paint or other accessible structural material containing dangerous levels of lead.

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Public - City

Asbestos Abatement, Site Work




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March 22, 2023

June 1, 2023


Multiple Locations, Boston, MA

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