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Site work for a residential development in Mount Hope, West Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a residential development.

The Mount Hope Housing Authority, Mount Hope, West Virginia will receive sealed bids at its Administrative Offices at 9B Midtown Terrace for the FY2020 / 2021 Capital Fund Program - Physical Improvements - Retaining Wall Replacement - Engineered Srw Gravity Block, until 10:00 AM EST on the 3rd day of April, 2023, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidder may also examine bid documents at the following locations: Mount Hope Housing Authority Adkins Design, INC. 9B Midtown Terrace 1522 Clearview Heights. Mount Hope, West Virginia 25880 Charleston, WV 25312 Attn: Ms. Stormy Parsons Attn: Larry Adkins, AIA Mount Hope Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Mount Hope Housing Authority. Completion- 120 consecutive calendar days Retaining Wall 1 - Replace existing stone retaining wall,concrete steps, sidewalks, fencing, railing, backfill, etc. as shown for Base Bid and all associated work. Parking Lot 1 - Mill existing parking lot, make repairs and overlay entire parking lot, raise drop inlet, paint and stripe, etc as shown for Base Bid and all associated work. Retaining Wall 2 - Replace existing stone retaining wall, concrete steps, sidewalks, fencing, railing, backfill, etc. as shown for Base Bid and all associated work. Areas 5 & 6 - Replace existing street access steps and all associated work Add Alternate Cost 1 -Retaining Wall 1 - Extend retaining wall, parking lot, etc., reconfigure steps and all associated work with reconfiguration. Add Alternate Cost 2 -Retaining Wall 2 - Extend retaining wall, parking lot, etc., reconfigure steps and all associated work with reconfiguration. The project consists of but is not limited to the replacement of existing stone retaining walls, sidewalks, steps, handrail, etc, and associated work items for a complete project and fully usable at Stadium Terrace apartments at Mount Hope Housing MBE (20%), WBE (20%) The project consists of but is not limited to the replacement of existing stone retaining walls, sidewalks, steps, handrail, etc, and associated work items for a complete project and fully usable at Stadium Terrace apartments at Mount Hope Housing, as shown on Contract Documents prepared by Adkins Design, Inc. Question Deadline Mar 23, 2023 at 4:00 PM All questions shall be directed to the Architect via email.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

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To Be Determined, Mount Hope, WV

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