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Published February 17, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a clubhouse / community center in Show Low, Arizona. Completed plans call for the construction of a 116,590-square-foot clubhouse / community center.

The City is soliciting Design-Build (DB) teams to provide a Progressive Design-Build project delivery. After the three short-listed DB teams are selected from the submitted RFQs, a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be issued to the short-listed teams. A Concept Proposal will be submitted by the Offeror for review and ranking. The Concept Proposal will also verify that the cost of the proposed project will meet the City's budget. The selected team will contract with the City for pre-construction which will include scoping, programming, schematic design, design development, and construction documents. A Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) will be established during pre-construction for the project. A Contract Amendment will be executed for the GMP. The building will be multi-use and the proposed facility shall be designed to accommodate six to eight basketball courts and will also be configured to alternatively house a 200-foot by 85-foot multi-sport arena, concert, convention, and trade show space. Seating will be a combination of fixed seating and retractable seating. The approximate number of seats required will be 3000 fixed seats and 4000 seats in retractable bleachers and/or folding chairs. The scope also includes additional spaces to house 10,000 square feet of meeting rooms, spaces for food preparation / service areas and indoor / outdoor family areas. The building shall have a minimum of four locker rooms and code compliant restrooms. The total building square footage is approximately 115,000 square feet. The design will include an inside, three lane, perimeter walking / jogging track. Acoustic treatments will be installed to enhance user experience during sport and music events. Score boards and other audio-visual installations will be included in the project scope. The facility will be situated on a nine-acre parcel. Site grading, and utility design and construction shall also be included. The project will also accommodate approximately 800 parking spaces. The City will consider all types of conventional construction including structural steel, monolithic concrete dome, concrete masonry, etc. The successful Design-Builder shall demonstrate a history of collaboration, adherence to budget and schedule, design and construction innovation, and exceptional project delivery on similar projects. The Design-Builder will work collaboratively with the City and provide expertise to bring the City's vision to fruition. Energy efficiency, service life, and owner / user satisfaction are also highly valued. 03/05/2025 Last Date to Submit Questions Regarding the RFQ

GC Bidding

Clubhouse / Community Centers


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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RFQ D/B - Show Low Sports and Event Center

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