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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Chadron, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Asphalt Paving of 6th Street From Main Street to King Street The Sixth Street project from Main Street to King Street shall be completely constructed by the Contractor. Crushed concrete base course shall be furnished by the City at the local Sanitary Landfill Transfer Site. Hauling and constructing the base course shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing, hauling, and compacting the 2" of limestone base course that compliments the 4" of compacted crushed concrete. Sixth Street project shall include all demolition work and the removal and replacement of 114 lineal feet of curb and gutter sections, removal, and replacement of 61 lineal feet of drainage pan, construction of 3 ADA sidewalk access sites, removal, and replacement of 46 square yards of concrete alley pavement, removal, and replacement of 10 square yards of sidewalk and concrete enclosures around manholes on 6th Street intersections. A major part of this project is removing and replacement of the existing pavement structure (1852 square yards). All items shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for the removal of the existing pavement and sub-grade, scarify and compacting the sub-grade, build a six-inch-thick compacted base course ready for the installation of a 4" thick (requires two layers) asphalt concrete surface on the prepared base course and building pavement sections. All work on the project shall be completed by June 30, 2023. The work consists of the construction of the items listed below and other related preparatory work. A summary of quantities to be paid for are listed below. Specification, NDOT Units Qty Saw Cutting Pavement 207 Lin. Ft. 295 Removing Pavement Structure, Base Course & Subgrade 203 Sq. Yds. 1852 Sub-grade Preparation 302 Sq. Yds. 1932 Watering: Sub-grade & Base Course 301 8 Crushed Concrete Base Course (4") Furnished at Transfer Site by City, Limestone Base Course (2") Contractor Furnished, All Hauled, Installed and Compacted, 6" Deep 305 Sq. Yds. 1932 Remove Curb and Gutter Sections, 30" Wide 203 Lin. Ft. 114 Build Curb and Gutter Sections, 30" Wide 606 Lin. Ft. 102 Remove Drainage Pans Along Gutter Alignment, Width Varies 203 Lin. Ft. 61 Build Drainage Pan Sections & Alley Section 606 Lin. Ft. 61 Build Ada Structure to Access Sidewalk 606 Each 3 Build Concrete Border Around Existing Manhole, 6" Thick 606 Lump Sum 1 Asphaltic Concrete Overlay (4"), Including Tack Coat and Incidentals, Type: "Spr". Includes Asphalt Paving on 4th Street. 503 Tons 473 Build Concrete Pavement Sections, 6" Thick 606 Sq. Yds. 46 Remove Sidewalk Sections, 4" Thick 203 Sq. Yds. 5 Build Sidewalk Sections, 4" Thick 606 Sq. Yds. 5 Barricades and Traffic Control 422 Lump Sum 1 Mobilization 112 Lump Sum 1 The bids will be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the owner and shall be accompanied by bid security in an amount at least equal to 5% of the total bid. In the event, that contract award is made and the bidder fails to enter into contract with the owner within ten (10) days, the bid security will be forfeited to the City of Chadron as liquidated damages. The City reserves the right to waive any irregularities, reject any or all bids and accept the bid advantageous to the City. The location of the work is along 6th Street between Main Street and King Street. The Owner and Engineer shall install stakes or mark the locations of drainage pans and curb and gutter sections to be removed and replaced. Other items of work called out on the plans and specifications will be orally discussed to ensure a clear understanding of the required work to be accomplished. The pavement structure shall be coordinated with the existing grades of the back of curb elevations. Routing traffic around the construction area will be allowed. Stoppage of traffic shall not be allowed unless approved in advance by the Owner. A site visit is recommended to verify the type of materials furnished by the Owner, existing utility conflicts and to verify the constraints of the project site. All work required in this contract shall be called out on the plans, Nebraska Depaiiment of Transportation Stai1dard Specifications for Highway Construction, 2007 edition, South Dakota Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges and all supplements, and special technical specifications included in this project manual. Some NDOT specifications may not have the saJTie pay items, but the pay items listed in this contract package will be the only pay items for the project. The Contractor should clarify with the Owner any questions regarding the pay items prior to bidding the project. This work shall consist of saw cutting to full depth the existing pavement structure marked for removal. After pavement removal, the Contractor shall excavate to required depth to allow for the installation of 6" of compacted base course material and 4" of asphalt pavement. The sub-base material shall require scarifying and compaction prior to the installation of the base course. Saw cutting shall be required prior to removal of the concrete pavement and shall be marked by the Engineer prior to saw cutting pavement. The City shall furnish crushed concrete base course at the Landfill Transfer Site. The Contractor shall be responsible for hauling and installing the base course material in accordance with the specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing, hauling, and compacting the top 2" of limestone base course. The prepared surface shall comply with the established grade required to meet the design intent of the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for building the asphalt surfacing on the prepared base course. Traffic control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Digger's hotline shall be contacted prior to any excavation along the planned project. Sufficient time shall be allowed to give utility companies an opportunity to locate their buried utility lines in the construction area. The Contractor shall contact the property owners prior to excavation for verification of underground sprinkler systems along the construction area.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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6th St, Chadron, NE

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