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Published March 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Allen Park, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Sealed envelopes containing the bid shall be labeled as follows: Bid: 2023 Pavement Joint Sealing Cooperative Bid for the Municipalities of: Allen Park, Flat Rock, Gibraltar, Grosse Ile, Riverview and Trenton. Allen Park, Michigan Attention: Mr. Mike Mizzi, City Clerk. City of Allen Park 1. 10,000 lineal feet of routing, cleaning, and hot-poured rubber asphalt sealant repair of cracks and joints in major and local municipal asphalt streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. 2. 60,000 lineal feet of existing pavement joint filler removal, sandblasting, cleaning, and hot-poured sealant repair of joints in major and local municipal concrete streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. City of Flat Rock 1. 5,000 lineal feet of routing, cleaning, and hot-poured rubber asphalt sealant repair of cracks and joints in major and local municipal asphalt streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. 2. 30,000 lineal feet of existing pavement joint filler removal, sandblasting, cleaning, and hot-poured sealant repair of joints in major and local municipal concrete streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. City of Gibraltar 1. 17,500 lineal feet of routing, cleaning, and hot-poured rubber asphalt sealant repair of cracks and joints in major and local municipal asphalt streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. 2. 17,500 lineal feet of existing pavement joint filler removal, sandblasting, cleaning, and hot-poured sealant repair of joints in major and local municipal concrete streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. Grosse Ile Township 1. 50,000 lineal feet of routing, cleaning, and hot-poured rubber asphalt sealant repair of cracks and joints in major and local municipal asphalt streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. 2. 25,000 lineal feet of existing pavement joint filler removal, sandblasting, cleaning, and hot-poured sealant repair of joints in major and local municipal concrete streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. City of Riverview 1. 10,000 lineal feet of routing, cleaning, and hot-poured rubber asphalt sealant repair of cracks and joints in major and local municipal asphalt streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. 2. 60,000 lineal feet of existing pavement joint filler removal, sandblasting, cleaning, and hot-poured sealant repair of joints in major and local municipal concrete streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. City of Trenton 1. 40,000 lineal feet of routing, cleaning, and hot-poured rubber asphalt sealant repair of cracks and joints in major and local municipal asphalt streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. 2. 25,000 lineal feet of existing pavement joint filler removal, sandblasting, cleaning, and hot-poured sealant repair of joints in major and local municipal concrete streets, including traffic maintenance and control, clean-up, and related work. Prospective bidders shall add their name to the Plan Holder List by calling the Engineer office at 734-285-7510. It is important to have your name added in case an Addendum is issued on this project. All bids shall remain firm and may not be withdrawn for ninety (90) days after the actual date of opening thereof. A properly completed Bid Bond, Certified Check or Cashier's Check in a sum not less than five (5) percent of the proposed amount of the proposal submitted, shall accompany each proposal as security for acceptance of the Contract by the lowest qualified bidder. Should the Contractor fail to enter into a Contract agreement with the Owner, through no fault of the Owner, he shall forfeit the entire amount of the security to the Owner. The City of Allen Park does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The City of Allen Park reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, waive any irregularity in any proposal, and make an award of Contract in any manner, deemed in its best interest. Proposals submitted after the exact time specified for receipt shall not be considered. Representatives of the OWNER and ENGINEER will be present to discuss the project and receive questions from prospective bidders, who are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion. ENGINEER shall transmit to all such Bidders of record such addenda as ENGINEER considers necessary to provide clarification, in response to questions arising therein, or arising subsequent. Oral statements shall not be relied upon and shall not be considered as legally effective or binding. All inquiries concerning the project should be directed to C.E. Raines Company at telephone 734-285-7510. Bid Result SECTION I - CITY OF ALLEN PARK : Al's Asphalt - $ 57,425.00 SECTION II - CITY OF FLAT ROCK : Al's Asphalt - $ 27,475.00 SECTION III - CITY OF GIBRALTAR : Al's Asphalt - $ 25,850.00 SECTION IV - TOWNSHIP OF GROSSE ILE : Al's Asphalt - : $ 56,125.00 SECTION V - CITY OF RIVERVIEW : Al's Asphalt - $ 57,425.00 SECTION VI - CITY OF TRENTON : Al's Asphalt - $ 48,250.00

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Allen Park, MI

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