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Published July 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Pemberton, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Should interested bidders not have the ability to handle electronic download sets, a set may be arranged to be sent overnight by calling 856-795-9595. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO OBTAINING SAID SPECIFICATIONS, EITHER BY MAIL OR IN PERSON. NO BIDS ARE TO BE DROPPED OFF AT THE ENGINEER'S OFFICE. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in whole or in part and also waive any informality in any bid or bids received, in accordance with applicable law. Bids must be on the bid form prepared by Remington and Vernick Engineers, in the manner designated therein and required by the specifications, must be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the name and address of the bidder on the outside and also bearing on the outside reference to the particular work bid upon. Said bids shall be addressed to: Pasquale Yacovelli, Business Administrator, 1 Egbert St, Pemberton, NJ 08068, Burlington County, New Jersey. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond duly executed by the bidder as principal and having as surety thereon a surety company approved by the Board of Education in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) but in no case in excess of $20,000.00 of the amount bid. Any such bid bond shall be without endorsement or conditions. The bidder must be pre-qualified by the New Jersey Schools Development Authority and the New Jersey Department of the Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction, and have a valid up-to-date notice of classification prior to the date that bids are received. Any bid submitted under the terms of the New Jersey statutes not including a copy of a valid and active pre-qualification/classification certificate will be rejected as being non-responsive to the bid requirements. Each Bidder will submit will their bid a Certificate of Consent of Surety as per N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-25 from a Surety Company stating that it will provide the bidder, if successful, with a Performance/Payment Bond in the full amount of the contract. The award of the contract shall be made subject to the necessary moneys to do the work being provided by the Pemberton Township Board of Education in a lawful manner. The contract to be executed by the successful bidder will provide that it shall not become effective until the necessary moneys to do the work have been provided by the Pemberton Township Board of Education in a lawful manner. The award shall further be subjected to the securing of necessary State, Federal or Local permits governing the work. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof. Bidding shall be in conformance with the applicable requirements of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq., pertaining to the "Public School Contracts Law". All Bidders are placed on notice that they are required to comply with all requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27, Affirmative Action, current regulations, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.25 et seq., New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act, and American With Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. S12101, et seq.). All Bidders must comply with all requirements of Federal, State and Local and current applicable regulations. The contractor is further notified that he must comply with N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2 and submit a Disclosure Statement listing stockholders with his bid. The contractor is further notified that he must comply with N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48 et seq. Public Works Contractor Registration Act and he and any subcontractors must be registered in accordance with the act. The contractor is also further notified that he must comply with N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 and submit proof of business registration and submit proof of business registration for any named subcontractors in accordance with the act. Anticipated Award -March 23, 2023 a. Demolish fifteen (15) existing rooftop units. b. Provide fifteen (15) new rooftop units, including controls, adapter curbs/dunnage, etc. c. The new equipment shall be seamlessly integrated into the existing building management system. d. All necessary electrical power provisions, panels, etc. as indicated on the contract documents. The Contractor is responsible and obligated to successfully complete the entire project and to complete each and every necessary detail of every item specified and/or shown on the Contract Drawings and in the Specifications regardless ofwhether or not a particular detail is specifically mentioned. Any detail ofwork called out on the Drawings but not called out in the Specifications, or any item ofwork or detail not called out on the Drawings, but called out in the Specifications, shall be considered the same as ifit was called out in both the Specifications and the Drawings. The scope ofwork shall also include the following: a. The Contractor is responsible for providing new and repairing existing architectural features and finishes including, but not limited to, walls, floors, roof, and ceiling systems as shown on the contract drawings and as required to complete the new work. b. The Contractor is responsible for the demolition ofthe existing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment and related accessories and the installation of new mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment and related accessories as shown on the contract drawings. Demolition and new work shall include all modifications to the existing piping, valves, ceilings, etc.; as shown on the drawings and as specified herein and as required to deliver complete and operational systems at no additional cost to the Owner Ancillary Work: Building-Patch and repair the ceilings, walls and floors damaged or disturbed as a result ofthe demolition or new work. Restore finishes to a condition equal to or better than their original conditions. Provide new lintels, door frames, doors and hardware, supports, and structural modifications as listed on the drawings and as necessary to accommodate new equipment. Any new doors and hardware shall match the schools standards. Electrical-. Provide new electrical conduit, wiring, disconnects, etc. as required to support the installation ofthe new equipment and systems. Relocate existing conduit, wiring, disconnects, etc. to avoid interferences with new equipment Fire protection- A. Provide modifications to existing fire sprinkler system as needed to avoid interferences with the proposed equipment. The furnishing of all restoration specified herein required for a complete installation. Any interior or exterior finishes (grass, lawn, parking lot, roofs, ceilings, floors and walls) damaged during the installation ofthe equipment will be repaired /replaced with like materials to the satisfaction ofthe Owner. 6. The work shall be in accordance with accepted standards. All demolition materials and scrap shall be disposed ofin a legal manner and in accordance with all local, State and Federal or other agencies having jurisdiction. Any quantities shown on the drawings are for the convenience ofthe Contractor only. The Contractor shall field verify all existing dimensions prior to construction and/or preparation ofshop drawings The above Scope ofWork outlines the general items and distribution ofwork and shall not be construed as being all-inclusive. The Contractor shall be responsible for applying for and obtaining any and all permits required to satisfactorily complete this construction project. Any costs related to obtaining permits shall be included in the proposal. Question Deadline 02/27/2023 Every request for such interpretation should be made in writing, addressed to the Engineer




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148 Arneys Mt Rd, Pemberton, NJ

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