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Published March 22, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 11,300-square-foot military facility; and for site work for a military facility.

The work includes a Canopy structure adjacent to Building 5, Bay 6, which is described in the accompanying drawings, Specifications, Narratives, Scope of Work below and incidental related work. This project consists of a canopy structure of approximately 11,300 s.f., as indicated on the drawings. The roofing system assembly shall consist of .060 Fleeceback, Black, EPDM with R-30 insulation and pre-finished metal edge fascia systems over metal deck, as shown. Roof drainage shall be provided and piping tied directly into the existing underground stormwater piping, as indicated. Endwalls shall be covered with exterior metal wall panels to match existing adjacent building. The roof at the interface between the existing and new shall be attached/enclosed with a flexible expansion joint, to prevent precipitation from entering the space below. Vertical walls shall also be treated with expansion joint filler material. The North elevation shall have one egress door and the South elevation shall have one egress door and one coiling overhead service door, as indicated. The East side of the structure shall remain open. The area at the South end of the building shall be regraded and paved to provide positive drainage away from the Struture, to the nearby inlet structure. Protective bollards shall be installed at locations indicated on drawings. All Architectural, structural, electrical, and plumbing systems shall be included, as indicated in the drawings and specifications. Patch, repair and recoat existing EIFS finishand add new EIFS where required. New roofing assembly to be provided. No known hazardous materials are present in the work area. A report can be obtained from TYAD, if, required. Contractor is required to provide a list of SDS's for all materials proposed for use on site. Materials must be compliant with all Clean Air Act regulations for emissions including solvent and volatile organic compound contents, and applicable National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants requirements. The Government may alter, or limit use of, specific materials as needed to meet installation permit requirements for emissions. The work will be awarded under one contract, completed in one phase. It is anticipated that the adjacent building will be occupied during construction. $1.5-2 Million *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




Public - Federal

Renovation, Site Work

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March 20, 2023

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11 Hap Arnold Blvd, Tobyhanna, PA

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Tobyhanna MATOC D/B Building 5 Bay 6 Canopy Construction

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