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Published April 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Girard, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of April 14,2023, project has been awarded: General Construction - E.E. Austin in the amount of $281,000.00 Electrical work - Newco Electrical in the amount of $52,950.00 This specification includes all labor, supervision, equipment, tools, material, transportation and all means of construction necessary to complete all work shown on the drawings and specified in this division and as shown on the drawings and/or as described in this specification, or as is necessary to complete the project in a first-class manner. Provide also all equipment, shoring, pumping, barricades, night lights and all else necessary or required by the Architect and OSHA. Under this heading is all demolition necessary or shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. Also, under this division is the restoration of the site for any damage to it as a result of this contract. Interior Work 1. Remove all surface materials and equipment on walls and ceilings which will interfere with new work. Hand over to Owner for storage during construction. Owner will turn back over to Contractors as requested for reinstallation by Contractors prior to completion of project. 2. Remove existing equipment and relocate only the items as indicated on the drawings. 3. Removal of existing floor finishes as indicated on the drawings, prep and level as required. 4. All demolition listed in the legend on the drawings and any other demolition, which might be required to perform all renovations and to construct all additions for the project are hereby included by the proper competent trades. Opinion of Estimated Cost General Construction $ 265,000.00 Electrical Construction $ 15,000.00 For General and Electrical Construction Work for Girard High School The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days, subsequent to the opening of bids, without the consent of the Girard School District. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AGENCY Bid Result GENERAL CONTRACTOR EE Austin 317,000 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Newco Electric 54,800




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