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Published February 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Waterford Township, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000311308 Source ID PU.AG.USA.1328.C6026801 Provide repair and services for rolling and overhead doors at various Oakland County facilities. Provide service and repairs for doors and various manufacturers to include Kinnear. Provide maintenance and repair of electronic controls for the doors. Contractor must provide a response time of less than 24 hours for service calls, including weekends and holidays, to the Oakland County Sheriffs Office facilities including the County Jail, all Oakland County Children's Village facilities and Medical Examiner's Office. All other facilities should not exceed a response time of 24 hours, not including weekends and holidays unless approved by the assigned Maintenance Supervisor. All repairs and/or replacements shall be done in a timely manner and if unable to do so should be brought to the attention, in writing, of the assigned Maintenance Supervisor's. Contractor is required to supply three (3) copies of their materials catalog: one will be for Purchasing and two for Facilities. Additional material catalogs will be supplied as updates occur. Invoices must be supplied that match the catalog materials listing and pricing. Contractor agrees to provide all labor, equipment, and materials to provide maintenance repair and renovation and project services not to exceed $3,000.00 on a job/assignment basis. To the extent practicable, and if appropriate, the County shall indicate if work to be performed may be divided into phases. In such case, the contractor shall quote each phase separately. All work shall be done in accordance with drawings, specifications, or general direction from the County representative. Workmanship shall be according to applicable local building codes, of good quality, and in accordance with or equal to the standards for the industry. All work shall be square, level, true to line, neat and appropriate for the job. If required, the contractor is responsible for obtaining appropriate permits. Contractor and any employee assigned to County work will be required to submit signed release of information for lien clearance in secure areas. All contractor employees shall meet with the approval of the County's representative. The contractor shall remove or cause to be removed any workers the County deems unsuitable. All contractor personnel will be subject to a background security check by appropriate County personnel. The County does not pay travel time or mileage. PROCEDURE FM&O will provide NUMBERED Work Order to the contractor describing the work and location. FM&O shall state the nature of the repair and request a one or two man crew. All billings by the contractor shall reference the Work Order Number. INSPECTION Site Inspections: The Project Manager shall inspect the work for quantity, quality of workmanship, materials and parts, completeness and clean up and conformity with the defined scope of work. Correction of Work: All work rejected for poor workmanship and unacceptable material and/or parts shall be documented and removed, replaced, or re-done without additional cost to the County. TOOLS The contractor's personnel shall have all the tools normally required in their respective skill area. BILLING The County only processes original (i.e.: not copies) invoices. Original invoices should be directed to Accounts Payable-FM&O, 2100 Pontiac Lake Rd, Waterford MI 48328. Each invoice must: a. Contain the County's Work Order Number relating to the work performed. b. Be submitted within 30 days after the completion of the work. c. Contain appropriate support documentation (see below). Supporting documentation shall include the following: a. County approved copy of County job order with corresponding billing statement. b. Dates, job classification, labor rates and work performed. Each category described shall also include respective costs in accordance with agreed upon contractual rates. Invoices not meeting these requirements will be returned to the contractor for correction(s). PAYMENT Sign Off on completion (County acceptance): Unless otherwise specified in the job order, the County may accept, in work that the County determines can be accepted separately. Such written acceptance shall be final and conclusive except for latent defects, fraud, or the County's rights uncler any warranty or guarantee. Acceptance shall be verified by the Contract Administrator or his/her designee's signature on the contractor's Work Order Copy. For approval of a portion of the work defined on the job order, the Contract Administrator or designee shall indicate a dollar amount acceptance on a copy of the job order. Payment shall be made in accordance with the contract documents. TIMEKEEPING Throughout the period of performance of this contract, the contractor shall maintain a timekeeping system, satisfactory to the County, sufficient to reflect properly the hours worked by each employee including the nature of the work performed. The County will not pay the contractors employees travel time during normal business hours. The County's Auditing Division shall be permitted to perform financial and compliance audits as appropriate with authority to access all pertinent records and interview any of the contractor's employees throughout the term of the contract and for a period of three (3) years after final payment to ensure a complete post-evaluation.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Waterford Township, MI

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