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Published May 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Milledgeville, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Purpose of Procurement Pursuant to the State Purchasing Act (Official Code of Georgia Annotated 50-5-50 et seq.), this electronic Request for Quotes (eRFQ) is being issued to establish a contract with one or more qualified suppliers who will provide Central Campus Summer Turnover of GCSU Residence Halls to Georgia College and State University (hereinafter, the State Entity) as further described in this eRFQ. Overview of the RFQ Process The objective of the eRFQ is to select one or more qualified suppliers to provide the goods and/or services outlined in this eRFQ to the State Entity. This eRFQ process will be conducted to gather and evaluate responses from supplier for potential award. All qualified suppliers are invited to participate by submitting responses, as further defined below. After evaluating all suppliers responses received prior to the closing date of this eRFQ and resolution of any contract exceptions, the preliminary results of the eRFQ process will be publicly announced, including the names of all participating suppliers and the evaluation results. Subject to the protest process, final contract award(s) will be publicly announced thereafter. The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials and equipment and performing all labor necessary to prepare vacant resident halls for occupancy in advance of 2023 2024 academic year. Work includes but is not limited to cleaning, patching and painting surfaces of rooms and suites in the resident hall complex located at Georgia College Central Campus. Question Deadline 03/09/2023 at 2:00 PM ET For the summer turnover of 2023, GCSU is requesting a full paint in Bell Hall and Parkhurst Hall. A full paint is described as a building that will receive paint throughout all of the suite units. The remaining 5 buildings will only receive paint in 10 complete suite units except for Sanford Hall and it will only receive paint in 5 complete suite units. A suite unit is composed of 2 dorm rooms connected with 1 bathroom. The Central Campus residence halls are used each summer to house summer camp occupants for short periods of time. The camp schedules will be assigned and shared with the contractor prior to the start of turnover. Scheduling around camps is paramount and must be implemented into the summer turnover schedule. Central Campus Scope of Work 1. Carefully remove all furnishings from suites/apartments and spaces to receive floor stripping, waxing and/or interior painting. Covering non-suite areas furnishings is acceptable if located in areas where floor stripping and waxing are not required. Please be mindful and DO NOT place sharp edge furniture ( desks, dressers, chairs, etc...) on mattresses. 2. Rooms with vending machines or appliances are to be coordinated through Facilities Management prior to commencing work. Some equipment must be moved by a third party vendor and must be scheduled in order for this work to be performed. Apply VCT floor treatments to floors in spaces listed. If a piece or pieces of VCT tile is missing or damaged, notify Facilities prior to treatment so replacement tile can be installed. Patch, prime and paint walls in spaces listed to be painted. Place removed furnishings back in suites or spaces after stripping/waxing and/ or paint work has been performed in their original location. (place to receive new occupants) 3. Clean thoroughly all furnishings including tops, sides, and bottoms, inside and outside of drawers, bed rails and posts. Suites are typically arranged with four beds with frames, four desks, four dressers, four chairs. Vacuum clean the inside of all drawers in desks, dressers and vanities. 4. Clean thoroughly vanity tops and vanity drawers inside and out. 5. Clean vanity mirror/mirrors. 6. Clean and sanitize sinks, toilets and showers. 7. Clean outside of all return or supply air vents or covers. 8. Clean window blinds. 9. Clean inside of windows. 10. Clean light fixtures, inside and outside of globes. 11. Wipe down and clean all baseboards, window trim and door trim. 12. Vacuum carpeted flooring. 13. Apply one coat of finish paint to existing previously painted walls, wood trim, doors and windows in various residence halls. This work requires the complete interior painting of Adams and Wells and limited quantity painting of Sanford, Napier, Parkhurst, Foundation and Bell. All painting to match existing color and texture. Georgia College to furnish all paint. 14. GCSU reserves the right to add or deduct any units from the total scope for a price reduction or increase equal to the individual unit cost, respectively. 15. Coordinate with Georgia College & State University (GCSU) to repair or patch any major damaged drywall, wood trim, wood baseboard, doors or windows. This work is to be negotiated with contractor on a case-by-case basis. However, repair of small imperfections (nail pops, nail holes, indentions, and cracks) in finish wall to be included in base bid. Prime all patched or repaired surfaces to receive finish coats with approved primer followed by a first and second coat of paint or coating. 16. Work is to be scheduled through Facilities Management and University Housing. Not all areas will be accessible for painting at the same time. Buildings will possibly be occupied in various rooms at various times due to summer camps. Work is to be scheduled around occupants. Work to be focused in suite rooms during May. Public spaces will be worked during June and July. Coordination through the above mentioned departments is paramount. 17. All work is to be completed between May 6th, 2023 to August 4th 2023. 18. Water damaged areas are to be brought to the attention of GCSU before painting. GCSU will determine if damaged areas are to be removed and replaced prior to painting. 19. Areas to be painted are described below. All other areas to be painted will be determined by owner through a building finishes audit. The "per unit" price will be applied for each additional prospective area. 20. Remove existing failing paint or coatings by use of approved methods. 21. All painting shall be performed over cloth drop cloths as to prevent debris and paint from splattering on existing flooring, furniture or other surfaces not intended to be painted. The use of cardboard and plastic drop cloths are prohibited. 22. Care should be used around sprinkler heads. It is the paint contractor's responsibility to ensure that the sprinkler heads DO NOT receive any paint. It is advisable to cut in around the sprinkler heads with a paint brush and keep a respectable distance with the roller. The contractor will be held responsible for any paint found on sprinkler heads and will be held accountable to have them replaced by a certified sprinkler company possessing the appropriate license to perform such work. The paint contractor is required to furnish documentation confirming such certification and




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March 21, 2023

May 8, 2023


Multiple Locations, Milledgeville, GA

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