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Published March 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bristol, Rhode Island. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For Emergency Service Generator(s) Multiple Sites The Bristol Warren Regional School District (henceforth "the District") is seeking bids for the purchase and installation of 3 Emergency Diesel Generators. The intent of this is to replace two ( 2) older units and the purchase of one (1) new unit, to provide emergency services for the required time, for buildings of their size; set forth by the NEC, NFPA, OSHA, Building Standards and in compliance with all local, state and federal ordinances This will include the purchase and installation of: 1. 2 Diesel Generator sets of 60KW, 75KVA, 120/208 Volt Three Phase, 1800 RPM, Radiator Cooled with Battery Backup. a. Located at Mt Hope and Kickemuit 2. 1 Generator Set , (to be evaluated) 25KW, 120/208 Volt Three Phase, Secondary Generator for isolation of District Data Center a. Located at Kickemuit only 3. All units are to be Weather Enclosed and have appropriate attachments for regional (weather) operation. 4. Remote Annunciators are to be purchased and installed for each 5. Apply for and obtain all required permits. 6. Furnish and install all new equipment and systems, including civil/site modifications, foundations, supports, mechanical installation, electrical installation, and other required components for a complete and operable system, as specified in this Scope of Work. 7. Demo and dispose of all existing equipment, foundations, structures, systems and components no longer in service as a result Bidder Questions and Clarifications Ends February 22, 2023 4:00 pm The Bristol Warren Regional School District reserves the right to reject any/all bids, waive any informalities in the bids received and to accept and award the bid to the lowest qualified bid deemed most favorable to the interest of the Bristol Warren Regional School District The period of performance for this contract shall be 36 months. Subject to extension only by mutual agreement The District has 6 facilities: 1) Mt. Hope High School, 199 Chestnut Street, Bristol 2) Kickemuit Middle School, 525 Child Street, Warren Proposals misdirected to other locations or those not received at the BWRSD School Department Administration Building by the scheduled due date and time shall be determined to be late and shall not be accepted. Proposals faxed or emailed to the BWRSD School Department shall not be accepted.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Bristol, RI

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